Cupid's Pulse Article: Beyoncé Says She and Jay-Z Enjoy Changing DiapersCupid's Pulse Article: Beyoncé Says She and Jay-Z Enjoy Changing Diapers

By Erin Minty

Beyoncé and her man Jay-Z have been in total baby bliss since the birth of their daughter Blue Ivy in January of this year. The sexy songstress spoke out about her role as a mother on Anderson Live last week, People reports. Beyoncé shares, “I love changing diapers, I love it. I love every moment of it, it’s so beautiful. I love it all.” She also told Anderson Cooper that she often sings Blue to sleep by making up crazy songs. And Jay-Z’s role in all this? According to his wife, he is “very good” at changing diapers as well!

How does having a child bring you closer together as a couple?

Cupid’s Advice:

Deciding to have a baby with your partner can be a stressful time, but it can also lead to a stronger relationship. Cupid has some advice on how adding a child to your family can bring you closer together with your partner:

1. Shared responsibility: When you and your partner decide to have a baby, you are now not only looking out for yourselves, but you have to take care of a child you relies solely on you. Sharing this huge responsibility of taking care of a baby will bring you closer together because you truly have something that belongs to both of you.

2. Bonding time: A baby can bring two people closer together because of the fact that you will spend so much time together when taking care of the child.  Bonding over the time spent, whether it is feeding, cleaning or even putting your baby to bed will strengthen you and your partner’s relationship.

3. Taking time more seriously: When you do have a baby, it probably will mean less alone time for you and your partner. While that may sound negative, it will force you to take the time you do have more seriously, and spend every second you can being with your partner. You won’t take a second of time for granted!

How has having a child strengthened your relationship? Share your insight below!