Cupid's Pulse Article: Celebrity News: Brooks Laich Still Wants Kids After Split from Julianne HoughCupid's Pulse Article: Celebrity News: Brooks Laich Still Wants Kids After Split from Julianne Hough

By Alycia Williams

In latest celebrity news, Brooks Laich expressed his desire for kids following his recent split from Julianne Hough. According to, the former professional hockey player was discussing his “journey” to learn more about racism on a “How Men Think With Brooks Laich and Gavin DeGraw” podcast episode when he said, “It’s important to me. I hope to be a father one day.” The celebrity exes split in May, but that doesn’t change the way he feels about one day having children.

In celebrity news, Brooks Laich isn’t letting his split from Julianne Hough keep him from having kids in the future. What do you do if your partner isn’t interested in having kids, and you are?

Cupid’s Advice: 

Figuring out if you want to be a parent is such a big decision and even though you may have found who you think is “the one” they might not have the same plans as you to become a parent. If your partner isn’t interested in having kids and you are, Cupid has some advice for you:

1. Figure out if there’s an underlying issue: A lot of the time if someone doesn’t want to have kids, it’s not necessarily because they don’t want to be a parent, but because of something that they think may prevent them from being the best parent they can be. For instance, lack of time, lack of money, or lack of space could be factors. Talk to your partner and see if this is an issue that can be resolved before starting a family.

Related Link: Celebrity Babies: Carrie Underwood Said She ‘Considered Adoption’ Following Multiple Miscarriages

2. Be patient: Rushing into a big decision like becoming a parent isn’t a good idea. If you are ready to have kids and your partner isn’t, give them some time. They may change their mind over the course of time and when they do then you’ll both be ready to have a baby.

Related Link: Parenting Trend: The Science Behind Baby Fever

3. Keep and open mind: Try not to be stuck on exactly what you want. Hear your partner out and see if you can come to a comprise and agree on something that you both are happy with.

What are some other things to if your partner isn’t interested in having kids, and you are? Start a conversation in comments below!