Cupid's Pulse Article: Date Idea: Dance the Night AwayCupid's Pulse Article: Date Idea: Dance the Night Away

By Courtney Shapiro and Sarah Batcheller

Sure, going to the movies and grabbing burgers is a relaxing and tasty date night…or it’s just plain boring. But don’t worry! Better nights are just around the corner. Prove to your sweetheart that you can go the extra mile for them by scheduling dance lessons this week. With this date idea, you get to shake and show off while fitting in your daily exercise. Plus, you get to be close and personal with your significant other. Take this relationship advice and go dancing with your partner.

Use This Date Idea to Reconnect With Your Beau

If you’re searching for something romantic with this date idea, try ballroom or Argentine tango. Not sure what the differences are? A ballroom tango is a type of dance that you’ve seen on Dancing with the Stars. There are certain moves you must learn — from underarm turns to alternating hand holds to side-by-side choreography. If you and your partner prove to be particularly talented on the dance floor, you can even enter competitions.

Related Link: Date Idea: Ice Skating Adventure

The Argentine tango is a social dance, and because there aren’t any steps involved, it relies on improvisation. In short, it means that you and your mate can learn how to dance it quickly. You can go out that night and display your new moves at a nearby nightclub or bar!

If you follow this relationship advice and want to do something that’s fun and sexy, try salsa. Although couples don’t embrace as much as they do in a tango, dancers hold hands most of the time and remain in one spot, often swapping back and forth. If this idea appeals to you, then get ready for all the hip wiggling and spins you’ll face! Salsa is a great style for those who just want to be eye-to-eye while dancing with their honey.

Related Link: Date Idea: Warm Up By Exercising This Winter

If you still aren’t sure which dancing lessons to take for this weekend date idea, see these dances in action. Check out videos on, or you may consider taking a beginners class for all three dances. That way, you can compare the pros and cons of each style and pick out which one is best for you and your beau.

Have you and your special someone taken dance lessons before? Let us know by commenting below!