Women Single During Holidays. Photo courtesy: Toronto Caribbean Newspaper
By Robert Manni
Question from Meghan G from Babylon, NY: “It’s hard being single during the holidays, what are some tips to help me get through being single? Or how can I find someone during this time?”
This is a great question, Meghan. With all the hustle and bustle and last minute shopping during this time of year, it’s easy to forget the true meaning of the holidays. Regardless of your spiritual beliefs, I think we can agree that this is a time for giving, gratitude, and love. Granted, this can be tough when you’re single and see couples holding hands(some people still do that) walking along the bright and colorfully lit city streets.
Do your best to be grateful for what you have, especially if you are in good health. Then focus on your friends and loved ones. I believe that when we maintain a selfless mindset, good things come our way. Of course, there are no guarantees that you’ll wake up on Christmas morning and find Mr. Right perched under your tree, but it’s a good start for shifting your thoughts into a love-based mindset. I found find that love comes our way when our heart is open. Use the holiday season to practice making room in your heart for others, including a new partner. Finding love can often be that simple, and it has nothing to do with the time of year.
Cherish your family and friends and be social. Attend parties you’re invited to and spread the love you have in your heart. I believe when we radiate love, we receive love in return. And remember to be kind. What can be the most wonderful time of the year for many can also be a very stressful time for others less fortunate.
Happy holidays and good luck!
If you would like relationship expert Robert Manni to answer your online dating/relationship questions, please email gillian@nvmediainc.com
More about the Guy’s Guy:

Robert is the host of Guy’s Guy Radio, featured on Blog Talk Radio and available on iTunes, Stitcher, and TuneIn. The weekly podcast features interviews with relationship coaches, entertainers, authors, wellness experts, spiritual teachers, sports personalities, and a weekly “Guys’ Guy’s Guide” exploring current guy-focused topics.
His novel, THE GUYS’ GUY’S GUIDE TO LOVE, praised as the “men’s successor to Sex and the City,” has been developed into two feature-length adapted screenplays, a scripted television series (pilot and treatment), and a series of non-scripted Guy’s Guy show concepts.
Robert has appeared on broadcast television (NBC’s Morning Blend, WPIX11 Morning News) and is a frequent guest across a spectrum of satellite, terrestrial, and web-based radio programs and podcasts, as well as a contributor to Huffington Post, Thought Catalog, Cupid’s Pulse, GalTime, is a featured expert on GoodMenProject and YourTango. He was also named a Top Dating Blogger by DatingAdvice.com.
Robert developed the Guy’s Guy Platform to help men and women better understand each other and bridge the growing communication gap between the sexes. He continually creates a fresh, robust palette of timely Guy’s Guy content focused on life, love and the pursuit of happiness. Whether it’s navigating the challenges of dating, relationships, friendship, career or wellness, Robert explores ways to help both men and women be at their best so that everybody wins.