Cupid's Pulse Article: Movie Review: ‘Phantom Thread’Cupid's Pulse Article: Movie Review: ‘Phantom Thread’

By Karley Kemble

Phantom Thread takes place in 1950’s post-war London, and follows the lives of Reynolds Woodcock (played by Daniel Day-Lewis) and his sister Cyril (played by Lesley Manville). The dynamic duo own London’s hottest dress shop, House of Woodcock, and dress esteemed royalty, celebrities, and socialites. Known for his playboy-esque ways, Woodcock’s is challenged when he meets Alma (played by Vicky Krieps), a confident and assertive woman. After he falls in love, Woodcock faces many changes in his life and demeanor – and things just get more complicated from there!

This movie is packed with drama and can teach us a lot about relationships. Check out our movie review below!

Should you see it:

If you’re a fan of time period dramas, elaborate costumes, or complicated romances, this movie is certainly up your alley! Also: this is rumored to be Daniel Day-Lewis’s final film, so if you’re a fan of his, then you should definitely check it out. This film opens in theaters everywhere on Christmas Day 2017.

Who to take:

Though there’s an element of romance to this movie, it’s no chick flick. This film is the perfect date night outing for you and your partner! If you have kids, call a sitter; this film is rated “R” due to language and adult themes.

Cupid’s Advice:

Phantom Thread’s protagonist, Reynolds Woodcock is a chronic bachelor and has problems with commitment. What are some tips or precautions to take when entering into a relationship with a long-term bachelor? Can these relationships work? Cupid has some relationship advice that should help ease some of your anxieties:

1. They might push you away: It’s natural for somebody with commitment issues to try and push people away. It’s a toxic defense mechanism and horrible habit. If your partner is aware of their issues and willing to try and fix them, you should feel comfortable holding them accountable for their actions. If they isolate themselves from you, be sure you kindly point it out, so they can become aware of how to improve.

Related Link: Relationship Advice: What Your Type Says About You

2. They’re fiercely independent: People who have spent a large chunk of their lives without a partner tend to be very independent. They’re used to doing things on their own and don’t like to ask for help. Don’t take it personally if they forget to include you into their life right away – they’re just rusty! It can be a bit of a struggle to adjust to being responsible for more than one person.

Related Link: Dating Advice: How to Make the First Move (Women’s Edition)

3. They might not change: Yes, it’s possible that a chronic bachelor will never fully change their ways. While it may be a challenging reality to accept, it’s important to focus on the positives. Do not try and force them to change – that will only create rifts in your relationship. Instead, you should accept your partner for who they are, and be realistic about your situation. You’ll find better success and will be a much happier couple.

Is Phantom Thread on your must-see list? Let us know below!