By Nicole Caico
Contestant Robby Hayes is one of the last men standing on this season’s The Bachelorette. Hometown dates were on the July 18 episode, and according to, Hayes’ mother informed him while he was home, “Your ex’s roommate has made it look like you broke up to go on the show.” This isn’t the first time Hayes’ past relationship with Hope Higginbotham has threatened the possibility of his new celebrity relationship with JoJo Fletcher. Higginbotham’s roommate, Alex, and ex-contestant Chad Johnson have both claimed that Hayes ended the relationship to go on The Bachelorette.
This celebrity news has us indulging in the reality TV drama. What are some ways to keep things that happened in your past relationship out of your new relationship?
Cupid’s Advice:
No matter how long or short a past relationship lasted, pieces of what happened between you and your ex can bounce around in your mind for a long time after. Don’t let side effects from your last relationship spoil something good you have going on now. Cupid has some dating advice:
1. Cut ties: If you haven’t already, cleanse your life of your ex. Unfollow your ex on social media, block them if necessary, and delete the contact information in your phone. Communicating with your ex, or seeing posts, will keep re-opening your history. In order to keep your past relationship out of your new relationship, follow an “out of sight out of mind” based strategy.
Related Link: Celebrity News: Patti Stanger Talks ‘Bachelorette’ and Dating Tips
2. No deja vu: Don’t bring up the topic of your ex to your new significant other out of the blue. If you’re visiting a place you used to go with your ex, try to keep that to yourself. If you’re in a fight and your new significant other says or does something that your ex used to do, don’t point it out. The moral of the story is, you’re in a new relationship with an entirely new person. Your new boo shouldn’t have to feel constantly compared to or reminded of the last person you dated.
Related Link: Celebrity News: ‘Bachelorette’ Star JoJo Fletcher Says Chad ‘Wasn’t Meant to Be My Husband’
3. Move on: Focus on what makes your new relationship different or better than your last and dwell on that. You should be looking ahead, and planning new experiences with the person you’re involved with now. Remind yourself that what’s done is done and move forward without baggage.
Have you ever let drama from a past relationship creep into your new relationship? Comment below!