Sep 23, 2015
Expert Love Advice: Handling Debt & Credit Scores Post-Divorce
Posted In: Hope After Divorce Articles, Relationship Experts

How to get financially stable after divorce. Photo: zimmytws /
By Rosalind Sedacca, CCT
As the media shares details of celebrity break-ups we learn that even the rich and famous aren’t immune to financial hardships. With stars like Brian Austin Green and Avril Lavigne taking steps toward a life on their own, we are reminded of the importance of keeping our financial history intact.
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Aug 26, 2015
Expert Relationship Advice: Three Questions Crucial to Co-Parenting Success
Posted In: Hope After Divorce Articles, Relationship Experts

Mother and children. Photo: Anna Omelchenko /
By Rosalind Sedacca, CCT
Michael Matracci, Esq. is one of the “good guy” collaborative divorce attorneys who avidly supports the concept and principles of a child-centered divorce. He is the author of a new self-help relationship book, Fighting Over the Kids: Resolving Day-to-Day Custody Conflict in Divorce Situations, which can be found at his website,
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Jul 15, 2015
Relationship Expert: The Economic Reality Of Divorce Is No Excuse For Irresponsible Parenting
Posted In: Hope After Divorce Articles, Relationship Experts

Unhappy couple. Photo: mast3r /
By Rosalind Sedacca, CCT
While the economy is turning up, middle- and lower-class Americans are still struggling with financial challenges. Many couples that are ready to call it quits in their relationship and love are postponing the divorce decision because they can’t afford it or the two-home reality in their future. As a relationship expert, here is my love advice for how to cope with the economic reality of divorce.
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Jan 2, 2014
Keep Talking to Your Kids After Divorce
Posted In: Hope After Divorce Articles, Love, Relationship Experts

Ashton Kutcher, Demi Moore, Rumer Willis, Micah Alberti, Emma Heming, Scout Willis, Bruce Willis, and Tallulah Willis with guest. Photo: Albert L. Ortega / PR Photos
By Rosalind Sedacca, CCT for Hope After Divorce
It can be tough — but necessary!
As a divorced parent, you can never pay too much attention to your communication skills with your children. It keeps the doors open for a healthier, more positive relationship with them. It makes you more sensitive to issues of concern early on, so you can nip them in the bud. It also encourages your children to talk about what they are feeling, questions they have, and situations that are creating conflict for them.
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Nov 15, 2011
Kim Kardashian’s Divorce: A Reminder About Relationship Mistakes to Avoid
Posted In: Guest Posts, Love, Relationship Advice Articles

Kris Humphries and Kim Kardashian. Photo: Janet Mayer / PR Photos
By Rosalind Sedacca, CCT
Sadly, celebrity divorces make all the headlines for all the wrong reasons. They showcase the most unconscious behavior, especially when it comes to relationships. Kim Kardashian’s marriage going off track after such a short time is just one more example.
Related Link: Signs that Kim and Kris were Doomed
It appears Kim spent more time working out her wedding details than on determining whether this was a good match from the start. Unfortunately, celebrities are not alone in making this common mistake. Too many couples think no further than the honeymoon plans when contemplating marriage. They have no idea about the complexity behind real relationship issues and the maturity it takes to create a successful long-term outcome.
…Interested in this story? Click here to read more.
Mar 23, 2011
Dating Tips for Renee Zellwegger and Other Singles Over 40
Posted In: Guest Posts, Love, Relationship Advice Articles

Renee Zellweger. Photo: Diane Cohen/FAMEFLYNET PICTURES
By Rosalind Sedacca, CCT
The pain of dating and breaking up isn’t just reserved for the young. Singles dating in mid-life and beyond face the same heartbreak, confusion and anxieties as those in their 20’s and 30’s. These challenges are compounded by the insecurities that frequently come with age, especially for women: Am I still desirable? … Am I still attractive? … Will I ever find another partner?
Celebrity couples are no exception. After 24 years of marriage, Tony Danza, age 59, filed for divorce from his 52-year old wife, Tracy Robinson. Jennifer Aniston, who has been in the headlines with several unsuccessful relationships over the past decade, is now telling reporters that she’s happily single.
Recently, celebrity couple Renee Zellweger and Bradley Cooper, considered one of Hollywood’s top power couples, broke up after dating for two years. When asked during an interview about the nature of their relationship, Cooper mentioned that marriage was not in the picture. Chances are that Zellweger thought she was in a different relationship – one with a more committed and long-term outcome. It appears both partners were not “on the same page.”
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