Dec 3, 2014
Best Friends and the Search for Love
Posted In: Hope After Divorce Articles, Relationship Experts

Man giving his partner a kiss on the cheek. Photo: karelnoppe /
By Patricia Bubash, Ed.S., LPC for Hope After Divorce
“He is my best friend.” These words came from the lips of a wife. It isn’t the first time I have heard a wife say this about her other half, but it is the first time that I really thought about the impact of a “best friend” relationship in a marriage — and even more impacting, in a remarriage.
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Aug 13, 2014
Can Love Be Better the Second Time Around?
Posted In: Hope After Divorce Articles, Relationship Experts

Hilary Duff and Mike Comrie prove that couples can be friends after divorce. Photo: NAV/FAMEFLYNET PICTURES
By Patricia Bubash for Hope After Divorce
Yes, it can! This answer is according to the couples that I interviewed for my book, Successful Second Marriages. What prompted a book about second marriages? The failure of my own second marriage and my admiration for remarrieds who found success in this second chance love — success in spite of the negative numbers for second marriages. Statistics approximate that half of first marriages end in divorce. For second timers, the odds for staying together get even tougher: Two-thirds of those taking the plunge a second time don’t make it. With odds like these, it is surprising that more than half of those first-time exes remarry…but they do! We are a nation in love with love.
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Jul 2, 2014
Helping Your Child Through a Divorce
Posted In: Hope After Divorce Articles, Relationship Experts

Jennifer Lopez and Jennifer Aniston. Photo: M Van Niedek / PR Photos
By Patricia Bubash, M.ed, LPC for Hope After Divorce
In spite of the naysayers who were telling me to not bother spending money to see Jersey Boys, I decided to go see the matinee (it was cheaper, of course). And I was glad that I ignored the unfavorable critics. I thought it was an excellent movie: good acting, touching story of poor boys making it big, and music that had everyone clapping, tapping their feet, and enjoying songs from their youth. I anticipate seeing it at least another two times and even buying the DVD when it comes out.
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Apr 23, 2014
A Hole in My Heart
Posted In: Hope After Divorce Articles, Relationship Experts

Gwyneth Paltrow. Photo: ER/
By Patricia Bubash for Hope After Divorce
A June wedding invite came in the mail for my husband and me this week. Ahhh, I think June is still the month for weddings, although I have read that October is quickly matching it for the month chosen by brides.
I met the groom-to-be a couple of years ago at a film festival where the documentary produced by him was being previewed. Dan and the other two creators of the film Give a Damn had decided in their mid-twenties to travel to one of the poorest countries in Africa. This film was to bring awareness to the world, to encourage those who saw the film to be proactive, to become involved in whatever manner they chose to be involved.
…On the edge of your seat? Click here.