Cupid's Pulse Article: Olivier Martinez Finally Confirms Engagement to Halle BerryCupid's Pulse Article: Olivier Martinez Finally Confirms Engagement to Halle Berry

Olivier Martinez is finally speaking out.  Martinez, a Miami-based restaurant owner, and Halle Berry were reportedly engaged over the holidays, reports  Martinez is only now confirming the engagement.  Martinez, who started dating Berry in 2010, told reporters at his restaurant opening, “Yes, of course we’re engaged!”

What are some reasons to keep your engagement under wraps at first?

Cupid’s Advice:

After getting engaged, it’s understandable to want to share the news.  However, there are some advantages to keeping the engagement under wraps.  Here are a few:

1. Who to tell: Though your family and close friends should be the first to know, you’ll have to choose how and when to share the information with other friends and acquaintances.  Take some time to decide how and when to share the news.

2. More details: When you tell friends about your engagement, they’re going to ask about wedding details.  By waiting to share the news of your engagement, you will be able to answer more questions about the wedding and your wedding-planning process.

3. Privacy: Though your friends will find the news of your engagement thrilling, they don’t need to know right away.  Wait a while and enjoy the privacy of life with your betrothed before others start asking questions.

Did you keep your engagement under wraps?  For how long?  Feel free to leave a comment below.