Apr 28, 2014
‘DWTS’ Pro Tony Dovolani on His Celebrity Marriage: “My Wife is My Queen”
Posted In: Celebrity Interviews, Love

Tony Dovolani and NeNe Leakes. Photo: ABC/Adam Taylor
Interview by Whitney Johnson. Written by Maria Darbenzio and Liz Kim.
Tony Dovolani has come a long way from the three-year-old learning to folk dance in Prishtina, Kosova. Early on, Dovolani’s father discovered that his son had a knack for both dance and music. Dovolani eventually became a professional ballroom dancer and has been on ABC’s Dancing With the Stars for a whopping 17 seasons now.
…Want to know what else he had to say? Click here for more!
Jun 26, 2013
Celebrity News: NeNe Leakes Ties the Knot with Gregg Leakes, Again!
Posted In: Celebrity News, Celebrity Weddings

NeNe Leakes and Greg Leakes. Photo: Emiley Schweich / PR Photos
By Kerri Sheehan
Real Housewives of Atlanta star NeNe Leakes chose to give marriage a second go with ex-husband, Gregg Leakes. The couple remarried Saturday, June 22, according to UsMagazine.com. Nene, 45 tweeted on June 21, “Got big plans this weekend? Cause I do,” she wrote with a smiley face.
How do you know if you should get back together with your ex?
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