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Oct 8, 2014 0

Child Expenses After Divorce

Posted In: Hope After Divorce Articles, Relationship Experts
Cupid's Pulse Article: Child Expenses After Divorce
Mother and children. Photo: Anna Omelchenko / Bigstock.com

By Michele Sfakianos, RN, BSN for Hope After Divorce

The expenses for caring for children continue to rise, and that doesn’t make it any easier for divorced parents. Each parent attempts to keep their own household going, and at the same time, they often try to share expenses for their children. This may be court ordered or due to a mutual agreement between the parents.

Whether the divorcing couple is a celebrity couple in the public eye or a private couple, the children’s needs and welfare should be the number one priority. You must accept and embrace the reality that your children’s expenses to live will not change. They are our greatest responsibility and deserve the best care and protection we can give them, whether married or divorced. Some divorced celebrity couples, like Demi Moore and Bruce Willis and Reese Witherspoon and Ryan Phillippe, seem to put their children’s best interest ahead of their own as they co-parent together.

Related Link: Ryan Phillippe Says He’s ‘ Proud’ of How He and Reese Co-Parent

Routine check-ups at both the doctor’s office and the dentist are essential for your children. One of the parents should have both medical and dental coverage on the children, as the cost of this type of preventative care out of pocket is very high. If one of your children have an emergency for either place, it can be a bill you have to pay for a very long time.

Childcare is another expense that can add up when a divorce takes place. Perhaps one of the parents was the caregiver, and now both are in the workforce. The parents should decide on a childcare provider together. It may be a licensed facility, a nanny, or even a family member. The cost of childcare should be second to the quality of care that your children are receiving.

Inevitably, there will be additional expenses for your children. Who is going to pay for school clothing and supplies? Many parents who pay child support assume that they pay enough for such items with that monthly check. Yet it may be just enough to help the family with food and shelter. You don’t want your children to go without due to lack of money.

Many children love to be involved in extracurricular activities as well. It can be sports, dance, or clubs. There will be expenses involved, including special clothing and shoes needed and even enrollment fees. Parents need to be willing to share these expenses so that their children can take part in such events.

Related Link: Helping Your Child Through Divorce

Summer is also a time when there are more expenses for children. They may want to go to swimming lessons, camping, or even to a summer camp. All of these things cost money, and someone has to pay it! Some feel the parent who makes more money should cover the cost. This is up to the parents though, as many want to do everything 50/50. Problems could arise when one parent can’t afford their share.

As you can see, there are plenty of additional expenses to consider for your children when you are divorced. Make sure you are willing to discuss these expenses with the other parent. You always want to do what’s in the best interest of your children. Bottom line: Get as much in writing as you can when it comes to who will cover expenses. This way, everyone involved knows what to plan for.

For more information about Hope After Divorce, click here.

Michele Sfakianos, RN, BSN, is a Registered Nurse, Life Skills Expert, Speaker and Award Winning Author. She is the owner of Open Pages Publishing, which includes her series of “The 4-1-1” books on Life Skills, Step Parenting, and Surviving Teenhood. Michele is a contributing expert for HopeAfterDivorce.org, DivorceSupportCenter.com, FamilyShare.com, and CupidsPulse.com.

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Apr 9, 2014 1

To Move or Not to Move? Why This Decision Is Tough on Kids

Posted In: Hope After Divorce Articles, Love, Relationship Experts
Cupid's Pulse Article: To Move or Not to Move? Why This Decision Is Tough on Kids
Chris Martin and Gwyneth Paltrow. Photo: Solarpix / PR Photos; Andrew Evans / PR Photos

By Michele Sfakianos, RN, BSN for Hope After Divorce

Divorce is one of those life events that forces huge changes in your life, whether you like it or not. During a divorce, a decision will need to be made on living arrangements. Let the court decide who needs to move out and what will happen with the home. Sometimes, one spouse will offer to move out but wants their part of the equity in the house. The partner who stays put may have to put it up for sale in order to pay the other partner unless they can refinance, thus adding the amount of equity onto the mortgage.

…Don’t miss the rest! Click here for more.

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Feb 12, 2014 1

Making the Most Of Valentine’s Day Even If You’re Unhappy

Posted In: Hope After Divorce Articles, Love, Relationship Experts
Cupid's Pulse Article: Making the Most Of Valentine’s Day Even If You’re Unhappy
Hilary Duff and Mike Comrie. Photo: Bob Charlotte / PR Photos

By Michele Sfakianos, RN, BSN for Hope After Divorce

unhappy valentine’s day? it doesn’t have to be

After a divorce, many holidays can be depressing, and Valentine’s Day can be the most depressing of all. The media promotes this day for lovers, and those not in a relationship — or just getting out of one — may feel left out. The holiday can also leave you feeling as if something’s wrong with you because you don’t have someone special to share it with. But don’t worry — you can still have a happy Valentine’s Day!

…Want to know more? Click here.

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Dec 18, 2013 0

Surviving Holidays as a Stepparent

Posted In: Hope After Divorce Articles, Love, Relationship Experts
Cupid's Pulse Article: Surviving Holidays as a Stepparent
Megan Fox and Brian Austin Green. Photo: Andrew Evans / PR Photos

By Michele Sfakianos, RN, BSN for Hope After Divorce

It doesn’t have to be difficult.

A stepparent who has different holiday traditions from the rest of the family, especially a stepparent with no child of their own, can feel left out of the celebration. All family traditions matter, and it’s vital for everyone to be considered when planning holidays.

…Don’t miss this great advice for surviving the holidays!

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