Nov 23, 2019
How the Media Fights For Our Attention
Posted In: Guest Posts

News Media. Photo credit: Pixabay/
By Lori Bizocco
When it comes down to it, what really makes a story worth reading? At the very least, the content should inform the public of something important in an interesting, truthful matter. Unfortunately, today’s media producers seem much more concerned about attention-grabbing methods and getting as many people as possible to click on their article. A good story hardly seems to matter when consumers will view ads and make the publishers happy.
The more media fights for our attention the harder it’ll be to distinguish authenticity from clickbaited information
….Want to learn more about the media’s fight for consumer attention? Click here for more!
Jan 3, 2019
Product Review: Dysport & Restylane for Natural-Looking Skincare Success
Posted In: Beauty, Product Reviews

Dysport: Before and after results on the forehead
Written by Courtney Shapiro
Getting older doesn’t necessarily mean you need to look your age or go through extensive surgery to achieve a younger appearance. Healthy and smooth looking skin is possible for everyone.
Galderma, a global leader in skincare, has created several products which are key to retaining effortless-looking beauty. Two of their most successful products to date include Dysport and Restylane.
…Want the rest? Click here for more.