Nov 20, 2013
Reinventing Home for the Holidays
Posted In: Hope After Divorce Articles, Love, Relationship Experts

Bruce Willis and Demi Moore. Photo: David Gabber / PR Photos; Janet Mayer / PR Photos
By Joanne Pittman for Hope After Divorce
Home for the holidays for a divorced family doesn’t often fit into the Norman Rockwell picture-perfect moment mold. I recall my first Christmas as a divorced parent. First, there was the Christmas card photos — do we or don’t we? Then, there was seeing the photos and knowing that the smiles just don’t look the same, fumbling for what “tidings of joy” I could muster up to include while writing the annual Christmas card “catch-everyone-up-who-we-don’t-see-very-often” letter.
…Want to know more about reinventing home for the holidays? Click here!
Jun 26, 2013
Relationship Advice: Maintaining a Positive Image While Going Through Divorce
Posted In: Hope After Divorce Articles, Love, Relationship Experts

Brad Pitt and Jennifer Aniston. Photo: Famepictures, Inc.
By Joanne Pittman of Pittman Consulting & Image for Hope After Divorce
The teenage son of a dear friend of mine said something one day that really stuck with me. He was speaking about a relationship his mother was building with a new boyfriend, and he flatly stated, “He is not the star of my show!”
As an image consultant who has worked with celebrities, models and public figures as well as professionals and individuals, I see all of my clients as “stars of their shows.” Life is filled with transitions, and divorce is one of them. While in a transitional state, it’s common and needful to make adjustments to our images that allow us to circumvent needless and costly detours on our road ahead.
…Don’t miss the rest! Click here.