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Jan 30, 2014 5

Single in Stilettos Show: Why The “Perfect Marriage” Isn’t Always So Perfect

Posted In: Dating Advice Videos, Single in Stilettos Shows Articles, Videos

On this week’s show, Single in Stilettos founder Suzanne Oshima talks with transformational coach Jennifer Daure about why the “perfect marriage” isn’t always so perfect. Daure knows the truth in that statement from firsthand experience: She met and married her dream guy at 23 years old but realized that happiness was missing from her so-called perfect life. Here, she shares her story and her advice for other women in a similar situations.

Related Link: Jennifer Daure Discusses Why Self-Confidence Is So Important When Dating

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Nov 21, 2013 5

Single in Stilettos Show: Why Self-Confidence is So Important in Dating

Posted In: Dating Advice Videos, Single in Stilettos Shows Articles, Videos

On this week’s Single in Stilettos show, Jennifer Daure, transformational coach at Timeless Living, talks about the importance of self-confidence when dating. She reveals why self-assurance is so important when you’re looking for love and what men really think about a woman with confidence. Plus, she shares her top three tips for ensuring that you possess poise before your next night out.

For more information about Single in Stilettos shows, click here.

For more videos from, check out our YouTube channel.

How do you build up self-confidence in moments of doubt? Tell us in the comments below!

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