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Celebrity Tag Archive: Jada Pinkett-Smith

Nov 21, 2011 17 Comments

Celebrity Couples Who Like to Shop

Posted In: Love, Relationship Advice Articles
Cupid's Pulse Article: Celebrity Couples Who Like to Shop
Jessica Simpson and Eric Johnson. Photo: Stoianov/Pablo/FAMEFLYNET

By Nisha Ramirez

We know celebrities love to shop, but celebrity couples who do it together are super cute! There’s something about a guy holding a women’s department store bag that makes us melt. In the real world, hitting the mall with your sweetheart can mean total boredom for him and a headache for you. Maybe these celeb duos aren’t captured on camera arguing because they don’t have to look at price tags. Whatever the reason, below are five of Hollywood’s most well-known fashion-seeking duos we can’t help but admire:

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Sep 5, 2011 0 Comments

Celebrity Couples Who’ve Made the World a Better Place

Posted In: Relationship Advice Articles
Cupid's Pulse Article: Celebrity Couples Who’ve Made the World a Better Place
Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie. Photo: Bob Charlotte / PR Photos

By Erika Mionis

Celebrity. For some, the word implies arrogance, narcissism, and superficiality. For others, it implies kindness, charisma, and power. While it’s true that both definitions have their part in celebrity culture, more and more celebrity couples are trying to change those stereotypes by turning their focus towards charity and humanitarian efforts. Here are some of the main culprits:

1. Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie: It’s no secret that longtime partners Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt like to give back, especially when it comes to adopting children from impoverished countries.   Jolie, a Goodwill Ambassador for the UN since 2001, has traveled to over 20 countries in attempts to raise refugee awareness. Brad Pitt, though relatively new to charity work, impressed many by starting The Make It Right Foundation after seeing the damage caused by Hurricane Katrina. The Foundation has built over 50 “green” houses, and has brought more than 200 people back to the Lower Ninth Ward, a devastated neighborhood in New Orleans.  More recently, the Jolie-Pitts made headline news when they donated $500,000 dollars to the Joplin Tornado Relief Services in Missouri. Also newsworthy are the Jolie-Pitts tax returns, which according to Britain’s The Independent, show that Jolie and Pitt donated almost 5 million dollars to various charities in 2009.

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Aug 29, 2011 1 Comment

Will Smith and Jada Pinkett-Smith Speak Up About Split

Posted In: Celebrity Dating, Celebrity News
Cupid's Pulse Article: Will Smith and Jada Pinkett-Smith Speak Up About Split
Will Smith and Jada Pinkett-Smith. Photo: Andrew Evans / PR Photos

As most of us know by now, the rumors about Will Smith and his wife Jada Pinkett-Smith splitting are false.  The happy pair set the record straight Tuesday according to People, claiming that the buzz in the tabloid’s about their 13 year marriage coming to an end are not true. The couple made a joint statement saying, ‘Although we are reluctant to respond to these types of press reports, the rumors circulating about our relationship are completely false.  We are still together, and our marriage is intact.’ While talk of the split was swirling around, the Smith’s were shopping at Michaels Crafts acting cutesy and giddy according to onlookers. The couple’s son Trey tried to squash the headlines too by tweeting ‘Did #WillandJada split? No they did NOT split!  False information … it’s not true RETWEET!!!’

How do you prevent rumors from ruining your relationship?

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Aug 10, 2011 0 Comments

5 Steamy Summer Celebrity Couples

Posted In: Love, Relationship Advice Articles
Cupid's Pulse Article: 5 Steamy Summer Celebrity Couples
David and Victoria Beckham. Photo: Janet Mayer / PR Photos

By Tanni Deb

Summer’s arrival not only brings in warm weather, but also creates new relationships.  New romance sparks — such as Hollywood’s hot couple, Justin Bieber and Selena Gomez, while other couples’ love for each other continues to grow.  Since many relationships are emerging, here’s a list of this summer’s top five steamy celebrity couples who are hot as well as committed:

1. David Beckham and Victoria Beckham: The famous soccer player and his wife have been noted as the Brangelina of UK.  They have four children and have been married for 12 years.  Although there were rumors of David having an affair during their relationship, the Posh Spice said the news strengthened their marriage.

2. Will Smith and Jada Pinkett Smith: Married for 14 years, everyone’s favorite Hollywood couple made YourTango’s Top Ten Longest Hollywood Marriages list.  What’s their secret to a successful marriage?  The couple agreed that “divorce just can’t be an option.”

…For more steamy summer celeb couples, click here.

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May 19, 2011 0 Comments

Zimbio’s Top 10 Sizzling Celebrity Couples

Posted In: Love, Relationship Advice Articles
Cupid's Pulse Article: Zimbio’s Top 10 Sizzling Celebrity Couples
Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt. Photo: Albert L. Ortega / PR Photos

When it comes to celebrity couples, everyone wants to know which ones are hot and which ones simply don’t make the cut.  Zimbio came up with a list of their 100 Hottest Celebrity Couples.  Celebs were rated on their levels of success, attractiveness, popularity and staying power.  The total of the scores in the four categories determined each couple’s rank on the list.  Although one of the couples has since split, the other nine are still happily together – as of now.  Let’s take a look at how hot Zimbio’s top 10 list is:

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Mar 3, 2011 1 Comment

Celebrity Couples Who Have Stayed Together

Posted In: Guest Posts, Love, Relationship Advice Articles
Cupid's Pulse Article: Celebrity Couples Who Have Stayed Together
Faith Hill and Tim McGraw. Photo: PRPhotos.com

By Erin O’Riordan

Why do some celebrity couples end up as a train wreck, while others seem to withstand the test of time? Different strategies work for different power couples. For some, private time is the glue that cements them. For others, it’s a conscious decision to put marriage and family before work or making time for grand romantic gestures.

Check out what works for these four celebrity pairs:

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