Nov 10, 2016
Relationship Advice: What Your Type Says About You
Posted In: Lori Zaslow & Jennifer Zucher Articles, Relationship Experts

Woman looking at her phone. Photo: lightwavemedia /
By Lori Zaslow and Jennifer Zucher for Project Soulmate with contributing writer Holly Kiffer
Are you constantly striving for the tall, dark, and handsome guy? Or are you the type who goes for the cute guy you met at the bar, but after one night he never responds to your texts? Also known as the “douchebag boy.” Or is your type the genuine nice guy? With the following relationship advice, we will reveal what your type says about you, and provide dating tips on how you can improve your love life.
Relationship Advice That Will Teach You About Your “Type”
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Oct 6, 2016
Relationship Advice on What Not to Do: Bad Dating Advice from Romantic Comedies
Posted In: Lori Zaslow & Jennifer Zucher Articles, Relationship Experts

Couple gazing at each other. Photo: AndreyPopov /
By Lori Zaslow and Jennifer Zucher for Project Soulmate with contributing writer Holly Kiffer
Who doesn’t love a great romantic comedy? They’re perfect for date night or spending quality time with your girls and a bottle of wine. Though the plot lines can be entertaining, romantic comedies are unrealistic and offer poor relationship advice. However there are a few dating tips you can learn from romantic comedies about what not to do, according to relationship experts.
Relationship Advice That Goes Against Romantic Comedies
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Sep 1, 2016
Relationship Advice: NYC Matchmaker Tips On How to Deal with Jealousy
Posted In: Lori Zaslow & Jennifer Zucher Articles, Relationship Experts

Girl looking at her boyfriend's phone. Photo: Innovated Captures /
By Lori Zaslow and Jennifer Zucher for Project Soulmate with contributing writer Holly Kiffer
We all get jealous from time to time, it’s part of being human. However, how can one overcome it and not let it ruin their relationship? Our relationship experts from NYC matchmakers have come up with three key pieces of relationship advice that will help you overcome your jealousy, and prevent it from ruining your relationship or date night.
Relationship Advice To Help You Deal With Jealousy
…On the edge of your seat? Read More!