Jan 25, 2011
Is Sandra Bullock Heading for Heartache Again?
Posted In: Guest Posts, Love, Relationship Advice Articles

Ryan Reynolds and Sandra Bullock. Photo: Chris Hatcher / PR Photos
By Dawn Maslar, author of From Heartbreak to Heart’s Desire: Developing a Healthy GPS (Guy Picking System)
Just about everyone loves America’s sweetheart Sandra Bullock. She showed such grace and charm winning the Golden Globe Award just months after filing for divorce following the devastating cheating scandal with ex-hubby Jesse James. Bullock maintained her dignity while her husband’s tawdry affairs were displayed on just about every magazine cover. Most of us couldn’t image the pain she was going through.
Now the grocery store checkout lane is displaying Sandra Bullock and Ryan Reynolds in a rebound romance. Bullock divorced Jesse James in June 2010, while Reynolds’ marriage with Scarlett Johansson just ended a few weeks ago.
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Jan 19, 2011
Dawn Maslar Talks About Her New Book, ‘From Heartbreak to Heart’s Desire: Developing a Healthy GPS (Guy Picking System)’
Posted In: Relationship Books
By Kari Arneson
Have you ever felt hopeless when it comes to dating? Do you feel like you are doomed to date men who are wrong for you? Do you look back on past relationships and cringe? According to professor, author, speaker and life coach Dawn Maslar, the solution to all your dating problems is simple: You have a broken GPS, or Guy Picking System. Failed relationship after failed relationship, Dawn knew she had to make a change. She decided that in order to fix her broken “picker,” she needed to go on her own journey of self-discovery – without a man. In her book, From Heartbreak to Heart’s Desire: Developing a Healthy GPS (Guy Picking System), Dawn outlines a plan to help women discover why they pick the wrong men and how to stop in order to go “from heartbreak to happiness.” See what the author had to say about her experience:
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