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Relationship Book Review Tag Archive: Cheat On Your Husband (with Your Husband)

Aug 31, 2011 8

Relationship Expert, Andrea Syrtash, Teaches You How to “Cheat on Your Husband (with Your Husband)”

Posted In: Relationship Books
Cupid's Pulse Article: Relationship Expert, Andrea Syrtash, Teaches You How to “Cheat on Your Husband (with Your Husband)”

By Diamon Hall

To outsiders looking in, marriage is a sign that your life is complete, and both people are still “head-over-heels” in love.  Privately, however, the husband may be thinking, ‘my has she changed,’ while the wife is often silently wondering, ‘is this really what I signed up for? ’  Andrea Syrtash is a dating and relationship expert, on-air personality and author.  With her new book, Cheat on Your Husband (with Your Husband) ready to hit the stands in September, she gives women solutions and advice that will help their marriage prosper for years to come.

Although she is married herself, Syrtash says the book isn’t only from personal experience (although there are some personal lessons shared), but also from interviews she conducted with other women and by citing the latest research on marriage, giving her readers a wide variety of opinions.  Syrtash didn’t want the book to come off as a desperate attempt to save your relationship, but rather as a source of tips and advice to rekindle the romance.  This book is ideal for anyone who feels they’ve lost track of why they’re married and don’t know where to go from here.

Recently, Cupid had a chance to chat with Ms. Syrtash, and here’s what she had to say:

How did you come up with the title of your new book?

The original title was How to Date Your Husband and that became the subtitle to Cheat On Your Husband (With Your Husband). I chose the word ‘cheat’ because too often we feel guilty when we focus on ourselves and our marriage when we have so many other competing demands; but cheating in this case is a good thing!  I wanted a title that was fun, playful, and a little provocative.  I didn’t want it to be a relationship rescue book, but rather a relationship renewal book.

…For more questions and answers, click here.

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