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Product Review Tag Archive: Booty Parlor

Nov 19, 2012 10

Giveaway: Spice Up Your Date Night with Booty Parlor!

Posted In: Beauty, Product Reviews, Products and Giveaways
Cupid's Pulse Article: Giveaway: Spice Up Your Date Night with Booty Parlor!
Booty Parlor Gift Box.

This post is sponsored by Booty Parlor.

By Whitney Baker

Your weekly date night with your man is here again, and it’s your turn to plan something. To keep your relationship from getting stale, you decide to spice things up — after all, you can only go on so many dinner and movie dates. But where do you even begin? How can you surprise your honey without blowing your budget?

Look no further than Booty Parlor, America’s premier sexy lifestyle brand. Built on the premise that confidence is the sexiest thing a woman can have, this company sells award-winning products such as pheromone-laced perfume, aphrodisiac lip-glosses and kissable body toppings. Ultimately, Booty Parlor wants every woman to feel sexy and satisfied.

…On the edge of your seat? Click here for more.

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