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Mar 16, 2011 0

Babe Scott Talks Men and Food in ‘Delicious Dating’

Posted In: Relationship Books
Cupid's Pulse Article: Babe Scott Talks Men and Food in ‘Delicious Dating’

By Kari Arneson

Ever heard the expression, “The way to man’s heart is through his stomach”?  In Babe Scott’s hilarious and insightful book, Delicious Dating: The Single Girl’s Guide to Decoding Men by Their Wining and Dining Styles, the self-confessed “manthropologist” proves that a man’s eating habits are a good indicator of what kind of boyfriend he’ll be.  Babe decided to test her theory by going on countless dates and interviewing more than 200 people about men, food and dating.  Her research led her to conclude that there are 10 male dining types, including the Transfat Type, who has the “culinary and romantic skills of Homer Simpson,” and the Culinary Con Man, a guy that will tell you he knows a lot about wine and food but really, doesn’t even know how to operate a hot plate.  Babe took some time out and talked to us about her unique, funny and insightful look at the relationship between cuisine and courtship.  Take a look at what the Aussie dating expert had to say:

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