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Apr 18, 2014 2

‘Bachelorette’ Andi Dorfman’s Promo Poster Mocks Juan Pablo

Posted In: Andi Dorfman - Season 10, Celebrity Dating, Celebrity News, Reality TV, The Bachelorette
Cupid's Pulse Article: ‘Bachelorette’ Andi Dorfman’s Promo Poster Mocks Juan Pablo
Andi Dorfman and Juan Pablo Galavis. Photo: Instagram

By Sanetra Richards

More fish in the sea, right? Well, Andri Dorfman of The Bachelor’s season 18 will definitely be testing out the waters in the upcoming round of The Bachelorette. In her first promo poster for the show’s season 10, Dorfman lets it be known that Bachelor Juan Pablo Galavis is not on her good side, per se. The poster’s caption reads, “She’s looking for the right Juan.” So where’s the catch? Juan is marked out in red with the word “one” below instead.  According to, the 26-year-old assistant district attorney described her overnight date with Galavis as a bit of a disaster: “Waking up this morning, I could not wait to get out of the Fantasy Suite,” she said. “The Fantasy Suite turned into a nightmare. I saw a side to him that I didn’t really like, and the whole night was just a disaster.” Luckily, Dorfman is not letting that get in the way of her finding love through TV, and ABC is not either. The Bachelorette star went on to say, “I feel mentally all in, emotionally all in, physically all in. I am in the place in my life where I am just so ready for this. I hate to say it because I don’t want to jinx myself, and be like, ‘I’m so all in and if this doesn’t happen it’s the end of the world.’ But I am ready. I have never felt better in my life about this, and I’m just excited.”

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