Nov 14, 2014
Andrew Garfield Attends Girlfriend Emma Stone’s Broadway Debut
Posted In: Celebrity Dating, Celebrity News

Andrew Garfield supported Emma Stone at Broadway debut. Photo: Janet Mayer /
By Amanda Boyer
Making her Broadway debut, Emma Stone is doing big things as of Tuesday, Nov. 11. The Help and Cabaret star is now preforming in front of big audiences and even her longtime boyfriend is showing up and supporting her. According to, Andrew Garfield came backstage after the show with Stone’s mother and other guests. Garfield kissed her and congratulated her.
What are some ways to support your partner’s interests?
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Jun 11, 2013
Amanda Bynes: When Help Is Needed But Not Wanted
Posted In: Love, Relationship Advice Articles

Amanda Bynes. Photo: Janet Mayer / PR Photos
By Jane Greer, PhD for
Amanda Bynes has been in the news recently after a flurry of erratic behavior both in the real world and on Twitter. Drama peaked this week when she was allegedly caught in possession of drug paraphernalia and arrested. Two mug shots were circulated, one of Bynes wearing a flamboyant, platinum wig and the second with the wig removed revealing a new super-cropped haircut. Since the incident, she’s lashed out at Rihanna on Twitter saying she had been beaten by Chris Brown for being “not pretty enough.”
The child star has been having trouble for a while, including an arrest in 2012 for a DUI. For those of us on the outside, it is like watching a train wreck. But what about those close to her? Is there anything they can do?
Jun 10, 2013
Amanda Bynes Tweets Her Crush on Liam Hemsworth
Posted In: Celebrity News, Cupid Strikes

Amanda Bynes and Liam Hemsworth. Photo: Andrew Evans / PR Photos
By Petra Halbur
Amanda Bynes took to Twitter on June 4th to gush about her latest celebrity crushes. “Liam Helmsworth is the most gorgeous man on the face of the earth other than Tanz Watson. FYi!” Bynes tweeted, misspelling the Hunger Games actor’s last name. According to, Bynes has a bit of history with Hemsworth, as the two were spotted together at a nightclub back in 2011.
How do you let your crush know you’re into him or her?
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