By Melanie Mar
It’s 2014 — a new year to rejoice new beginnings, celebrate new possibilities, and just maybe embrace a new love affair. It’s time to shake off 2013! If you’re single, here are some tips to get you ready to mingle:
1. Get ready for love: Forget bitter memories of the past and live in the present moment. Be ready for all of the opportunities that will arise in the new year. Start with a brand new idea of what love is and with a positive outlook on love to allow magical things to happen. It’s your year, and bright and positive love adventures are coming your way.
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2. Rock your body: It’s safe to say that, when you look great, you feel great. Staying healthy is another way to prepare for love to flow into your life. You should be excited to have fun meeting people and enjoy dating again. Don’t give up on your regular workouts. In order to be fully ready and open for love, keep working hard on being your best self. Positive, healthy people do a better job of receiving love into their lives.
3. Become a chatty Cathy: Make it a point to talk to at least five people a day. Strike up a conversation at the gym; make small talk in line at Starbucks; smile while waiting to checkout at the grocery store; and give someone a compliment today. Watch how you are changed and how love comes in as you reach out. This exercise will help you become more relaxed talking to people and make first dates seem less awkward. Remember: Feeling comfortable in your own skin is key to truly enjoying the moment.
4. Believe: Simply having faith is significant for being able to fall in love again or even for the first time. Believe that it is possible to love and be loved this year. Don’t give up hope! Love is attainable. It exists, and it’s ready to enter your life when you make space for it. Remind yourself that you are worthy of a romantic miracle this year. Be conscious of creating a “clear head and clear heart,” an openness and eagerness to change your current way of thinking.
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5. Laugh: If you really want to fall in love this year, embrace laughter. When hoping to meet a potential mate, keeping a light-hearted spirit is important to letting love in. Laughter has been described as good medicine because it helps us feel better; it’s infectious; and it gets our pheromones ramped up. So make a point to find humor in everyday situations and share funny moments when talking to someone new. These good feelings will leave a lasting impression on both of you.
Keep these basic tips in mind as you open up your heart and get ready to receive and enjoy all the love that is out there for you.
Melanie Mar is a celebrity relationship specialist, matchmaker and life coach.