Cupid's Pulse Article: Chelsea Handler Gushes to Ellen DeGeneres About Boyfriend Andre BalazsCupid's Pulse Article: Chelsea Handler Gushes to Ellen DeGeneres About Boyfriend Andre Balazs

By Andrea Surujnauth

On February 18th Chelsea Handler made an appearance on the Ellen DeGeneres show. According to, Handler was excited to talk about her on-again boyfriend Andre Balazs. “We can talk about my boyfriend! I love him. He’s the best.” She told Ellen that although they’ve had a rocky relationship in the past, she really loves him. As Ellen showed a picture of these two lovebirds together Handler gave a big smile. “Isn’t he handsome?” she asked the audience. Handler and Balazs have been dating on and off for two years. Handler was extremely tight-lipped about the relationship in the past, but is now open about her love for her man. Balazs is a 56-year-old hotelier with a 23-year-old daughter.

What are some reasons to keep your relationship under wraps at first?

Cupid’s Advice:

When in love, you just want to shout it out from the rooftops. But sometimes it can be a good idea to keep your relationship a secret at first. Cupid is here to tell you why.

1. Make sure it is serious: Couples tend to keep their relationships under wraps at first because they want to make sure that it is serious enough to last a long time before they start telling people about it. Nothing is more embarrassing than having to tell everyone that you are no longer with your beau after only a week of spreading the news.

2. Publicity: When your relationship is public, there are many more pressures to endure. Your relationship seems to constantly be under microscope being examined by everyone you come into contact with. Every little fight is everyone’s business. Keeping your relationship quiet until its ready to withstand those pressures will save you a lifetime of stress.

3. Jealousy: When your relationship is public, it can fall victim to the jealousy of others. By keeping your relationship on the down low in the beginning, you and your sweetheart will have time to build up enough trust in each other so when you do go public, those jealous outsiders won’t be able to mess up what you two have.

Why would you keep your relationship under wraps at first? Comment below and let us know!