Celebrity Divorce: ‘Bachelorette’ Stars Ashley Hebert & JP Rosenbaum Split

By Carly Silva

In the latest celebrity divorce news, Bachelorette alums Ashley Hebert and JP Rosenbaum have decided to end their marriage. The two reality TV stars have been married for nearly eight years, after getting engaged on the ABC show in 2011, and they share two children together. Accoding to UsMagazine.com, they both posted the announcement on their Instagram accounts, explaining their decision and asking fans for privacy.

In celebrity divorce news, these Bachelorette stars are calling it quits after months of separation. What are some ways to know your relationship is unfixable?

Cupid’s Advice: 

Ending a relationship, especially a marriage can be a tough decision to make. It’s difficult to know if you should keep trying to work on it, or if it is time to call it quits. If you’re having trouble in a relationship and need some signs that your relationship is unfixable, Cupid has some advice for you:

1. You don’t trust each other anymore: One of the most difficult issues to resolve in a relationship is a lack of trust. Although trust and loyalty can be regained sometimes, once they are lost over and over again, it becomes even more difficult to replace. If you and your partner have tried regaining trust, and it is just not working, it may be a sign of irreversible damage.

Related Link: Celebrity Break-Up: Find Out More About Demi Lovato & Max Ehrich Messy Split

2. You make each other unhappy more than you make each other happy: Another tell-tale sign of an unfixable relationship is unhappiness. If you and your partner usually make each other unhappy or upset more often than you make each other happy, this may be a sign that the good parts of the relationship are long gone. Although you can try things to fix this problem, if negative feelings and unhappiness are persistent in your relationship, it may be difficult to change that.

Related Link: Celebrity Break-Up: Sofia Richie Unfollows Scott Disick Amid Bella Banos Dating Rumors

3. You’ve tried everything: The most telling sign that your relationship is unfixable is when you both feel a sense of exhaustion because you have tried everything, and nothing has worked. Before giving up on the relationship, make sure you have tried every possible solution to work through your problems. Once you have tried everything without seeing progress, it may be time to call it quits.

What are some other ways to know your relationship is unfixable? Start a conversation in the comments down below!

Exclusive Celebrity Interview: ‘Bachelorette’ Couple Ashley and J.P. Rosenbaum Are Divided on Who Will Win Chris Soules’s Heart!

Interviewed by Lori Bizzoco. Written by Meranda Yslas.

The relationship between J.P. and Ashley Rosenbaum is a celebrity love story come true. This famous couple met on The Bachelorette season 7, and since then, they’ve gotten married and welcomed a new addition to their family, son Fordham (Ford) Rhys. The adorable pair, who recently moved to Miami, are getting the hang of being first-time parents and opened up about their experiences as a family of three in our exclusive celebrity interview. Plus, we found out they’re a house divided when it comes to this season of The Bachelor!

‘Bachelorette’ Celebrity Couple Talks About Life as New Parents

Raising a baby — whether it’s for the first time or the fifth time — is by no means easy, but for the celebrity couple, Ford has been a blessing. “He’s a model angel baby,” the proud dad shares. So far, there haven’t been any big moments that the duo couldn’t handle, but like any first-time parents, J.P. admits that they “just roll with the punches!”

Related Link: ‘Bachelorette’ Celebrity Couple Ashley and J.P. Rosenbaum Talk About Life with Newborn Son Fordham

At just five months old, Ford is already making huge progress in his development. “He rolls over and sits up. Of course, we have to put pillows around him, but he can sit up for a pretty extended period of time,” Ashley gushes. “He’s grabbing at things; he’s eating semi-solid foods right now; and he’s taking the packaging, putting it into his mouth, and trying to feed himself. It’s a pretty exciting time right now!”

The celebrity mom has a prediction for an upcoming milestone in her son’s life too: She thinks Ford’s first word will be “Boo.” She elaborates, “That’s our dog’s name, and he’s always hearing us say ‘Boo,’ so we’re pretty sure that’s what he’s going to say first.”

Like most dads, J.P. is excited for his son to follow in his footsteps and play sports someday. “I grew up playing basketball, soccer, lacrosse, and baseball, so we’re going to let him try out everything,” the former Bachelorette contestant shares. Noticing that Ford has been using his left hand more frequently, he adds, “We think he may be a lefty, so he may have an advantage as a pitcher. We’re definitely going to get a baseball in his hand pretty early.”

Now that Ford is a little bit older, the celebrity couple is feeling more comfortable with other people watching him so that they can have some alone time. “Ashley is going back to work soon, and we just hired a nanny about two weeks ago. We’re easing into the ‘leaving him with somebody else’ phase so that we can go on date nights,” J.P. reveals. “We’re almost there!”

Related Link: ‘Bachelorette’ Stars J.P. Rosenbaum and Ashley Hebert Tie the Knot

A few months before their son was born, the reality TV stars packed their bags and headed south. Fortunately, the move to Florida was a great choice for them. “I don’t see us going back to New York. We’ve only been down here for about eight months, but we love it,” J.P. shares.

Lucky for them, the winter in Miami hasn’t been too severe, but just in case it gets blustery, the famous couple partnered with Puffs to make sure they’re prepared. “We thought it was a cool partnership. We’re just promoting staying healthy and putting your best face forward throughout the winter, Ashley explains in our exclusive celebrity interview. “What we love about Puffs is that it’s a campaign to promote taking care of yourself and providing comfort to you during cold and flu season, especially with such a harsh one this year,”

Being that The Bachelorette season 7 stars have some experience under their belts, talk of another baby has come up. “I had so much fun. I had a great pregnancy. I really, really enjoyed just having a baby and him being born,” the new mom says. “So who knows! Maybe we’ll go for a third, but right now, we’re really thinking two.”

J.P. and Ashley Rosenbaum on Chris Soules and The Bachelor Season 19

Related Link: ‘The Bachelor’ Chris Soules Prepares to Bring Winner Home to Arlington

Given their celebrity love story, it’s no surprise that they enjoy watching The Bachelor together. With the finale of Chris Soules’s journey tonight, we had to ask their thoughts on the remaining two ladies. The former Bachelorette is Team Becca. “I love both Whitney and Becca, but personally, I think Becca would be better for Chris,” she reveals. “I feel like she is more genuine. She hasn’t had a lot of love in her life, and she moves a little bit slowly, but I feel like there can potentially be a more real relationship between then.”

J.P. disagrees. “I’m on the other side. I think his relationship with Whitney has progressed so much more than his relationship with Becca. I think he would be leaning more towards Whitney,” he shares.

When it comes to the next season of The Bachelorette, the famous couple agree that ousted contestant Kaitlyn Bristowe is the best pick. “We like Kaitlyn a lot,” Ashley says. “She seems like a cool chick. She’s got a little edge to her, so we like that.”

J.P. adds, “She’s funny too. I think she’d make a good Bachelorette.”

You can keep up with the cute couple on Twitter @ashhebert and @JP_Rosenbaum. Be sure to tune in for The Bachelor season 19 finale tonight on ABC at 8/7c!

Reality TV Star Ashley Hebert Instagrams Amazing Post-Celebrity Baby Body

By Emily Meyer

Say goodbye to the days of a big belly! Just a month after giving birth to her celebrity baby with J.P. Rosenbaum, The Bachelorette star Ashley Hebert is showing off her amazing body. According to WetPaint.com, the reality TV star honored her 30-day mark with one of her signature side profile mirror selfies on Instagram. She captioned the impressive picture, “One month post baby! I’ll take it.” Not only did the new celebrity mom display a super flat belly, but she is also showing off some serious guns, making us wonder how she’s finding the time to exercise too. The happy famous couple have called Fordham an “easy” celebrity baby, so it’s no surprise parenthood is looking so good on her!

This reality TV star has a lot of support from her husband after having their first celebrity baby. Men, here’s how you can you help your partner feel good about their post-baby body!

Cupid’s Advice:

Now that your baby is born, you want your body back! You may be thinking that things will never be the same again. While your body is forever changed, you will feel like yourself again soon.  Cupid knows it can be hard making a woman feel good right after she has given birth, so here are three ways to make your partner feel confident about their post-baby body:

1. Remind her to be patient: It’s easy for women to be frustrated at her body after giving birth, so she’ll need to hear a lot of  encouragement. Let her know that it won’t be easy but that you’ll be supporting her every step of the way! Most importantly, remind her that it’ll take time, effort, and patience.

Related Link: ‘The Bachelorette’ Couple Ashley and J.P. Rosenbaum Talk About Life with Newborn Son Fordham 

2. Give her a break: Force your partner to take some time for herself, no matter how much she protests. Whether it’s watching a movie or getting her nails done, she’ll start to feel better about herself. It will also help her get back into her regular routine.

Related Link: Blake Lively Shows Off Baby Bump With Ryan Reynolds 

3. Shower her with compliments: Every woman loves to have sweet nothings whispered into her ear! Tell her she looks beautiful everyday, no matter how she’s feeling. Don’t let her compare herself to others, and remind her that she’s the only woman you have eyes for.

What are some other ways to make your partner feel good after having a baby? Share below!

‘Bachelorette’ Famous Couple Ashley Hebert and J.P. Rosenbaum Talk About Life with Newborn Son Fordham

By Emily Meyer

Famous couple Ashley Hebert and J.P. Rosenbaum’s celebrity love story cannot get any more perfect. Since the birth of their first celebrity baby Fordham Rhys, the pair has stayed busy balancing their new responsibilities of parenthood together. In an exclusive celebrity interview with People.com, the former Bachelorette exclaims, “The first two weeks have been great!” The reality TV star also shares how parenthood has actually brought her and her husband closer together: “Throughout our relationship, our bond always seems to grow stronger with each milestone we reach. It’s still very early in our parenting careers, but it’s easy to see that it’ll take a lot of teamwork, support for one another, and patience when raising this child. You really need to be on the same page all the time.” It sure looks like this famous couple are on the path for a lifelong marriage and happy celebrity family.

Ashley and J.P. Rosenbaum welcome son Fordham Rhys into the world. Photo courtesy of Ashley Rosenbaum's Instagram.
Ashley and J.P. Rosenbaum welcome son Fordham Rhys into the world. Photo courtesy of Ashley Rosenbaum’s Instagram.

These Bachelorette reality TV stars still have sparks flying after the birth of their celebrity baby. Here is how you can keep the romance alive right after a pregnancy!

Cupid’s Advice:

Everyone knows that life becomes even more stressful with a newborn, as you can see from this former Bachelorette. Still, those tough moments are no excuse to let the romance die between you and your partner. Cupid wants to make sure you and your significant other keep the love alive after welcoming a baby:

1. Be patient: Even though you’re probably feeling like your romance will never go back to the way it used to be, remember this is just a phase. Eventually, you’ll feel energetic again and have time for just you and your partner. For now, focus on your newborn, but make sure you also show your beau some loving.

Related Link: Mila Kunis and Ashton Kutcher Welcome a Baby Girl

2. Take time to connect each day: It doesn’t matter what you and your partner talk about, but a little chat can go a long way. Make sure you take the time to talk to them and keep the lines of communication open. This is mandatory if you want your relationship to succeed beyond this stressful stage in your lives.

Related Link: Blake Lively Proclaims Pregnancy Is What She Always Wanted

3. Schedule date nights: Plan ahead of time to go on a date with your partner and stick to it! So often, couples back out of plans because they think something more important comes up. However, it’s crucial to make your date nights a priority. This alone time will help make you better spouses and parents.

How did you keep your romance alive after your pregnancy? Tell us in the comments below.

‘The Bachelorette’ Star J.P. Rosenbaum Talks Celebrity Baby News, “Dad-chelor” Party, and Moving to Miami!

By Lori Bizzoco

Long Island native J.P. Rosenbaum won Ashley Hebert’s heart (along with the rest of the women in America) when he proposed to her on Season 7 of The Bachelorette. The fairy tale-esque celebrity couple married a year later and are now happily preparing for more marital bliss as they welcome the birth of their son this October, otherwise known as Baby R. We had the chance to ask the 37-year-old construction manager some questions about the upcoming arrival of “Rosenbump,” as he likes to refer to the little guy on Twitter, as well as the reality TV couple’s move to Miami a few weeks ago and tonight’s “dad-chelor” party.

The Bachelorette Winner Opens Up About Celebrity Baby News

When it comes to his celebrity baby news and becoming a father, the Hot Skates lover tells us, “I think I’m probably most nervous about the unknown. There’s only so much information you read about on the Internet or that’s told to you by friends and family.” He gives us an example by saying, “I’m not looking forward to the time where I’m sitting there with my son and not having a clue in the world what to do.”

Related Link: ‘Bachelorette’ Stars Ashley Hebert and J.P. Rosenbaum Tie the Knot

Understandable, given that the proud parents-to-be are choosing to “go at it alone” when it comes to taking care of the baby. The DIY dad tells us that they have a good support system in Miami and they will have family visiting in the beginning. “Ashley’s mom will be coming down for two weeks after the baby is born, and my parents will also be around for at least a week.”

Rosenbaum confirms that the Miami locals will follow some of the Jewish traditions when it comes to the birth. “We’ve already decided to give the baby a middle name using the initial of a family member who has passed,” he says in our exclusive celebrity interview. The reality TV star also tells us that they will definitely be having a Bris.  “Chris Harrison is gonna be our moyel,” Rosenbaum half-jokes. Given that the Bachelor host officiated their wedding, one never knows if he’s kidding or not!

Related Link: Ashley Hebert and J.P. Rosenbaum Celebrate Holiday Traditions Together

But there was no joking around when it came to keeping tight-lipped on possible names for Baby R. “Ash has her favorite, and I have mine,” the dad-to-be shares. “I’m pretty sure her choice is going to beat out mine. At least I’ll get dibs on picking the Hebrew name!”

In celebration of their celebrity baby news and to help calm Rosenbaum’s nerves a little, Mike’s Hard Lemonade is throwing the reality star a “Dad-chelor” party tonight on a gorgeous rooftop in NY. “This is my first Dad-chelor party experience, and I’m excited to get together with everyone for an evening of poker,” the Herricks alum says. ” We’ve got our own dealer, lots of food, and of course, Mike’s Hard Lemonade, for a night of male bonding.”


J.P. Rosenbaum will celebrate his Dad-chelor party with Mike's Hard Lemonade.
J.P. Rosenbaum will celebrate his Dad-chelor party with Mike’s Hard Lemonade.

Rosenbaum will be celebrating the evening with his father, brother, and a few close friends, including Mikey McLean, who is also from The Bachelorette Season 7.  He adds, “It’s more than just a last night out – it’s a way to celebrate my entry into parenthood.”


J.P. Rosenbaum having fun at his Dad-chelor party. Photo courtesy of MSL Group.
J.P. Rosenbaum having fun at his Dad-chelor party. Photo courtesy of MSL Group.


Reality TV Star Shares Relationship Advice for Son

The well-known romantic hopes his son will pick up a few key pointers from him when it comes to the ladies. “Always treat a woman with respect.  I grew up in a household where my mother was put up on a pedestal — and rightfully so,” he shares of his best relationship advice. “I have always tried to do that with Ashley and will certainly pass that along to my son.” (Can we clone this guy?)

With so much going on, we couldn’t help but ask how Boo was adjusting to all of the changes. “Boo is livin’ it up!,” Rosenbaum laughs.

Related Link: J.P.Rosenbaum Loves Ashley Heberts Dog, Boo!

If you want to learn more about the “Dad-chelor” event or how to plan your own, make sure to follow Rosenbaum on Twitter @JP_Rosenbaum and www.instagram.com/_jprosenbaum/ where he will be keeping fans up to date on the experience and tagging posts using #dadchelor.

We wish this adorable couple all the best! One thing is for sure: Between Rosenbaum’s winning grin and Hebert’s dental background, this kid is going to be sporting a million dollar smile!

‘Bachelorette’ Reality TV Stars Ashley Hebert and J.P. Rosenbaum Speak Out About Waiting for Marriage

By Jessica Conigliaro

According to People, the newest reality TV couple Sean Lowe and Catherine Giudici are saving sleeping together for their celebrity wedding night…unlike famous couple Ashley Hebert and her Bachelorette winner hubby, J.P. Rosenbaum, who chose not to wait for marriage. “Those are their own personal beliefs, and we’re not going to judge them,” Rosenbaum says. “We do our thing; they do their thing.”

Two reality TV couples have different opinions when it comes to waiting for marriage. What do you do if you and your partner have conflicting beliefs?

Cupid’s Advice:

Your boyfriend seems to have differing beliefs from you. However, you don’t want them to damage your relationship and love in any way. Cupid offers some love advice on how to work through your differences:

1. Compromise: You and your love have different religious beliefs. Your man wants to go to church, and you want to go to temple — what now? Make a compromise: Go to church with your man one week and have him come to temple with you the next. You will both appreciate each other’s support.

Related Link: Reality TV Stars Ashley Hebert and J.P. Rosenbaum Celebrate Holiday Traditions

2. Try new things: Your partner has always wanted to move to a different state before settling down. You, on the other hand, have no interest in leaving. Try going on an extended vacation over the summer and travel from state to state for a few months. You never know what you will end up enjoying, so don’t be afraid to try something new!

Related Link: Famous Couple Sean Lowe and Catherine Giudici Speak Out Against the New ‘Bachelorette’ Twist

3. Pick your battles: Your boyfriend has been dead set on getting a dog for the past few months. He has been nagging you about it, but you say no, knowing you’ll end up taking care of the pet instead of him. If he continues to bug you about it, perhaps it’s time to cave. He clearly won’t give up until he gets his furry friend. Sometimes, you have to do things you’d rather not do — like cleaning up dog poop! — for the one you love. He’ll surely take notice of your kindness and will some day return the favor.

How do you deal with conflicting beliefs between you and your partner? Share below.

‘Bachelorette’ Stars J.P Rosenbaum and Ashley Hebert Tie the Knot

By Nic Baird

Season seven Bachelorette Ashley Herbert and fiancé J.P. Rosenbaum got hitched Saturday in Pasadena, Calif., according to People. The couple are only the second in the franchise’s 24 seasons to tie the knot after the finale. Bachelor and Bachelorette alumni Ali Fedowsky, Emily Maynard, and Jason and Molly Mesnick were in attendance, and franchise host Chris Harrison officiated the ceremony. “Today is all about our friends and family,” Herbert said.

What are some ways to celebrate your love without getting married?

Cupid’s Advice:

It might not be the right time to get married, or maybe you’re not that concerned with the institution. Either way, there are many ways you can deepen your love with your partner. Follow your heart, and prioritize your happiness:

1. Moving forward: Both of you should want to see your relationship develop. Finding ways to spend more time together, and bringing your lives closer are benefits you can find without marriage. Make time for your partner and find new ways to enjoy their company.

2. Children: A child is a huge commitment, and shouldn’t be considered lightly. Many times a baby can pop into your life unexpectedly. No matter how it happens, a child is a celebration of your love. You might feel pressure to get hitched, but giving a baby the significance it deserves is most important.

3. Special occasions: Spending the holidays with your loved ones shows their importance in your life. Making Valentine’s Day and anniversaries special with thoughtful celebrations will reflect the love you share.

How does your partner remind you of their love? Share your experiences below!

How Famous Couple Ashley Hebert and J.P. Rosenbaum Prepared for Their Celebrity Wedding

By Jennifer Ross

The time came for a celebration in Pasadena, California. The Bachelorette famous couple Ashley Hebert and J.P. Rosenbaum were so excited for their December 1st celebrity wedding. With a beautiful ceremony planned by wedding planner Mindy Weiss, invitees included reality TV show alums Emily Maynard, Trista and Ryan Sutter, and Ali Fedotowsky and Roberto Martinez. Both bride and groom were ready to walk down the aisle, after each having their last “single” party in Scottsdale, Arizona. “The girls had quite the party! They had a stripper for Ashley, and everyone got spa treatments. The guys hung out and went out for a steak dinner,” a source revealed. Besides becoming Mrs. Rosenbaum, Hebert was most excited about finally putting on her wedding dress: “Ashley can’t wait for people to see it!”

Famous couple Hebert and Rosenbaum had fun while celebrating the night before their celebrity wedding. What are some unique ways to spend your bachelor/bachelorette party?

Cupid’s Advice:

You don’t need to be a famous couple to throw a fun bachelor or bachelorette party! With a little creativity and help, here are three party ideas anyone can enjoy before walking down the aisle:

1. Road trip: Surprise the bride or groom, and plan a road trip to their favorite destination. To make it extra special, you can “kidnap” them, keeping them completely out of the loop until you near the destination. All you need is a great group of friends, a road map, snacks, and a full tank of gas.

Related Link: ‘The Bachelorette’ Star J.P. Rosenbaum Talks Celebrity Baby News, ‘Dad-chelor’ Party, and Moving to Miami!

2. All in: What better way to prepare the bride or groom to go “all in” with marriage than organizing a poker tournament in their honor! This game is just for fun, although there should be a jackpot to claim in the end. Consider reserving a room at an upscale restaurant, club, or cigar lounge. Be sure to make festive shirts and hats for the party goers.

Related Link: Famous Couple Jason Aldean and Brittany Kerr Have Celebrity Wedding

3. Go extreme: Want to make plunging into marriage seem like a piece of cake? Plan a skydiving party for the bachelor or bachelorette! If jumping out of a plane at 10,000 feet doesn’t sound like fun, try surfing, bungee jumping, rock climbing, or scuba diving instead. Plus, defying death with friends will always create great bonding memories for the future.

How did you celebrate your bachelor/bachelorette party uniquely? Share your story below.

Hollywood Couple Ashley Hebert and J.P. Rosenbaum Celebrate with Holiday Traditions

Hollywood couple Ashley Hebert and J.P. Rosenbaum are celebrating both Christmas and Hanukkuh during their first holiday season together after recently getting engaged on the reality TV show The Bachelorette. As Rosenbaum told People, “We have been celebrating the first few nights of Hanukkuh. We lit some candles.”  Rosenbaum also introduced his celebrity love to the Jewish tradition of having Chinese food. The happy Hollywood couple spent Christmas in Maine with Hebert’s family eating and singing holiday carols.

Although this Hollywood couple had different holiday traditions, they still celebrated with each other. How do you adapt to your partner’s family traditions?

Cupid’s Advice:

When you start a new relationship and love, you and your partner may have so different traditions — and that’s okay! One of the fun things about being in a partnership is learning new things. Here is some relationship advice on how to celebrate your love’s traditions:

1. Participate: You may not understand your partner’s traditions or religion, but don’t be a Scrooge. For the sake of your relationship and love, give their family a chance and try it out. Ask for ideas about what to make or bring over. You’ll enjoy the festivities even more if you contribute!

Related Link: The Holiday Gift Guide for New Couples

2. Educate:  If you’re feeling uncomfortable and don’t know what to expect from your partner’s family, the best way to learn about Hanukkuh or the Italian ‘Feast of the Seven Fishes’ is to research the tradition before you go. It won’t make you a pro, but it will surely give you some background and make you feel more comfortable.

Related Link: P.A.C.E. for New Holiday Traditions

3. Ask questions: Show interest by asking questions about certain activities, prayers, or food. Most people love to talk about family traditions and how they got started. Being inquisitive fills the evening with nostalgia and shows how much you care.

What’s your favorite holiday tradition?  Share it with us in the comments below.

Ashley Hebert and J.P. Rosenbaum Have No Celebrity Wedding Plans Yet

The Bachelorette couple Ashley Hebert and J.P. Rosenbaum, who got engaged last August during the reality TV show’s finale, won’t be saying their “I do’s” anytime soon. The famous couple told UsMagazine.com that they haven’t set a date for their celebrity wedding yet. Hebert is waiting to finish up school before tying the knot. The former Bachelorette star said that she and Rosenbaum are “looking forward to building our lives together. We really are best friends, [so] just being together is a lot to look forward to.”  Rosenbaum said that they “want to wait for the right time” before walking down the aisle.

Hebert and Rosenbaum are taking their time when it comes to picking a celebrity wedding date. What are the advantages of a long engagement?

Cupid’s Advice:

Take a cue from this famous couple and know that there’s nothing wrong with a long engagement! In fact, there are plenty of benefits to taking some time before you tie the knot. Cupid has a few reasons why:

1. Less stress: Getting married soon after your engagement means you have to plan an entire wedding — and fast. Take your time and enjoy planning out this special day in your relationship and love.

Related Link: Reality TV Star Ashley Hebert Instagrams Amazing Post-Celebrity Baby Body

2. Take your pick: With your extra time, you can be sure that you book the ideal locations for your wedding and reception. You can also gather all the ideal decorations to throw the perfect party!

Related Link: Kendrick Lamar Celebrates Celebrity Engagement to High School Sweetheart 

3. No doubts: While you and your fiance spend some more time together as a soon-to-be-married couple, you’ll have time to make sure they’re the person you want to spend the rest of your life with.

Why did you like having a longer engagement? Share your comments below.

‘Bachelorette’ Winner J.P. Rosenbaum Loves Ashley Hebert’s Dog Boo

At the end of the seventh season of the reality TV show The Bachelorette, Ashley Hebert chose J.P. Rosenbaum and accepted his heartfelt marriage proposal. Now that the celebrity couple is preparing to walk down the aisle, Rosenbaum has one last family member to win over: Hebert’s pet yorkie, Boo. After they met for the first time earlier this month, the pint-sized puppy got better acquainted with Rosenbaum and the two seemed to be well on their way to a great relationship. “They’re good. They will be best friends,” the former Bachelorette told People. With plans to relocate Boo to the Big Apple as soon as possible, Hebert is excitedly basking in what seems to be the start of her celebrity love story.

Bachelorette winner Rosenbaum gets along fine with Hebert’s pet, Boo. What do you do if you don’t get along with your partner’s pet?

Cupid’s Advice:

Introducing your new partner to your pet can be a big step in your relationship and love. Pets can sense emotions like fear and anger, so you need to be sure to relax and enjoy yourself. Here are some tips to consider when your love meets your pet:

1. Go on a date that includes the pet: It doesn’t have to be anywhere fancy. A nice picnic at the park along with a few games of fetch is a perfect example. Pack some sandwiches for you and some treats for your furry friend!

Related Link: Dating with Dogs: Picking Out a Pet Together

2. Spend a little one-on-one time with them: Just like people, pets need uninterrupted attention as well. Offer to take them on a walk for 15 to 20 minutes so they can get used to you without your partner present.

Related Link: Dating with Dogs: What to Discuss Before Getting a Pet

3. Bring them treats: No pet can resist the temptation of a new play toy or a delectable treat. A few of these will have them happy to see you in no time.

How did you get your partner’s pet to like you? Share your experiences below.

‘Bachelorette’ Ashley Hebert and J.P. Rosenbaum Celebrate Celebrity Engagement in NYC

A congratulations is in order for Bachelorette star Ashley Hebert and her fiance J.P. Rosenbaum, as they celebrated their celebrity engagement over the past weekend. UsMagazine.com reports the couple enjoyed a lovely dinner at hotspot Beauty and Essex.  Saturday included breakfast at Coffee Shop in Union Square and some time with friends, including Chrystie Hebert-Corns, Hebert’s sister who initially rejected Rosenbaum. Now, the two are on “good terms,” according to one source. That night, Rosenbaum threw a party for his friends to meet his celebrity love. Treats at the party included massive cupcakes from Cake Boss star Buddy Valastro.  Throughout the weekend, the pair were said to be “good sports” and just enjoyed being an open celebrity couple. “They’re so happy to be able to just be a couple and show everyone how in love they are with one another,” an insider said.

The Bachelorette couple celebrated their celebrity engagement in style. What are some creative ideas for engagement parties?

Cupid’s Advice:

The best engagement parties don’t only have to be for celebrity engagements! Anyone can throw a fun and unforgettable night. Here are some of Cupid’s tips when attending or planning a party to celebrate love:

1. Give a special gift: The best gifts don’t have to be expensive. Try to think of something useful or unique to the relationship. Anything personalized or monogramed is great too!

Related Link: April Fools? T-Pain Says Famous Couple Robert Pattinson and FKA Twigs are Engaged

2. Be inspired by their relationship: It’s always fun when the party can somehow tie into the couple’s relationship and love. For example, plan dinner at the restaurant of their first date or head to a bowling alley that they frequent. The more original, the better!

Related Link: ‘Bachelorette’ Famous Couple Ashley Hebert and J.P. Rosenbaum Talk About Life With Newborn Son Fordham

3. Keep it simple: An engagement party doesn’t have to be over the top. Sometimes, just inviting the right people and kicking back with them is all you need to have a great time.

What was your engagement party like? Share your experience below.

‘The Bachelorette’ Reality TV Star Ashley Hebert Says Her Sister’s Reaction to J.P. Was Shocking

Ashley Hebert looked forward to introducing Ben Flajnik and J.P. Rosenbaum, the final two contenders on The Bachelorette season 7to her family. Her whole family loved Flajnik, but Rosenbaum didn’t have the same luck. In fact, her sister was especially disapproving of her relationship and love with the contestant. The Bachelorette star told People, “What bothered me the most was not that she didn’t approve but how aggressive and unsupportive she was. All I needed at this point was someone to be supportive of whatever I was feeling…and she wasn’t.” Although she was crushed by her sister’s reaction, Hebert decided to take her opinion with a grain of salt: “I used her uncertainty to make me ask the questions I was scared to ask but by no means did it change the way I felt about him.” Hebert followed her heart and recently celebrated her celebrity engagement with Rosenbaum.

Hebert’s sister wasn’t thrilled about Bachelorette contestant Rosenbaum. What do you do if your family doesn’t support your relationship and love?

Cupid’s Advice:

You’re torn inside. You love your partner, but your family doesn’t think he or she is right for you. If you’re really close to your family and value their opinion, it may be very difficult to be in this situation.  Cupid has some love advice on what you can do to ease the tension:

1. Get to the heart of the issue: Talk to your family members. Find out exactly what bothers them about your boyfriend or girlfriend. Do they think your partner’s not good enough for you?  Do they think they are having a negative influence on you? Maybe they’re simply afraid of losing you. It’s important to communicate!

Related Link: Former ‘Bachlorette’ Desiree Hartsock Shares Celebrity Wedding Photos

2. Be firm: In order to confront your family’s prejudices, you need to be firm. Tell them that you hope that they can be happy for you. Instead of asking them if they approve of your relationship and love, assert that you would be grateful to receive their support for your decision.

Related Link: Reality TV Host Chris Harrison Reveals Twist for New Season of ‘The Bachelorette’

3. Allow for bonding: You’ve tried convincing your folks that your significant other is a great person, and it turns out that words alone won’t do the trick. Your next best bet is to have them spend time with your beau so that they can get to know each other better. Try to find some common ground between them.

Ever had a boyfriend or girlfriend your folks disliked? Share your story below!

‘The Bachelorette’ Contestant Constantine Says He Did Not Want to Marry Ashley Hebert

One of Ashley Hebert’s final three suitors walked away during last week’s episode of The Bachelorette in Fiji.  Although it was clear that there was no spark between Constantine Tzortzis and Hebert, it was still shocking to find out that he wanted to call it quits.  The 30-year-old restaurant owner openly admitted to People in an exclusive Men Tell All taping that he wasn’t ready to get married to Herbert.  He said, “You either have a feeling or you don’t… My feelings were not strong enough at that point to justify sticking around and possibly going through with that next step of getting engaged.”  Tzortzis’ family fully supported his decision.

How do you know when your relationship is headed toward marriage?

Cupid’s Advice:

You and your partner both hold very strong feelings of love for one another, but how do you know he or she is the one?  Cupid has some ideas:

1. Clarity about the future: A good indicator that your relationship is moving toward that next serious step is that you talk about your plans for the future together.  So, for example, you might discuss the intention to move to a new city and then have children together.  You should both be able to paint a vivid picture of the future and see yourselves together in it.

2. Part of the family: Perhaps you’ve heard the saying, ‘When you marry someone, you marry into his or her family.’  Before you move onto marriage, you should feel a sense of belonging to your partner’s family and vice versa.

3. In the friend circle: Not only is it important to be well integrated into each others’ families, but it’s also essential to share your buddies.  It’s okay if you don’t get along with a few of your partner’s friends, but it’s important that the majority of them consider you a part of the pack.  This will prevent you from having to make compromises about friendships during marriage.

What are some indicators that you’re moving toward being more than boyfriend and girlfriend? Share your ideas below.

‘The Bachelorette’ Season 7 Finale: It’s Love or Nothing!

By Jennifer Harrington

Last Monday on The Bachelorette season 7, the final chapter of Ashley Hebert’s celebrity love story was written: She chose her Prince Charming and gave out her final rose. After a very rocky road to find a relationship and love, our bachelorette ended her journey by accepting a marriage proposal. In case you missed the ending to this very dramatic season of the show, here’s a recap of what happened!

The Bacherlorette’s Family Reaction

Ashley’s family flew to Fiji to meet her remaining two guys: J.P. Rosenbaum and Ben Flajnik. It was revealed that the bubbly brunette is very influenced by her family and looks for their approval on major life decisions. Rosenbaum was up first to meet the Hebert family, including her mother, stepfather, brother, and sister Chrystie. Chrystie immediately voiced concerns about the celebrity romance. Repeatedly, she said he was not the one for her sister and even went so far to ask Rosenbaum — who is a few years older — why he hadn’t found love in his life yet. The lovebirds talked about Chrystie’s tough analysis, and Rosenbaum walked away from the day feeling flustered.

Flajnik was next to meet the family. The winemaker quickly received Chrystie’s seal of approval as she noticed a “natural connection” between the duo. During the day Flajnik spends with the Heberts, we learned more about the friendship that was the foundation of their relationship and love, and there was a “shared passion” that united the couple.  After impressing her family, the California-native concluded the day with a helicopter ride with the bachelorette, time together in the mud pit, and some serious, quality conversation.  During this chat, he confessed that he was in love with Hebert!

Related Link: ‘The  Bachelorette’ Contestant Constantine Says He Did Not Want to Marry Ashley Hebert

Rosenbaum had one last chance to spend time with his celebrity love. The couple used this time to tackle the “tough questions” from Chrystie. The conversation gave the bachelorette the confidence she needed, and she remarked that he had “proven himself” by answering her tough questions. The New York native makes his final plea for her heart with a heartfelt note and collection of photos and closed the evening by saying “she may love both of us, but she can only be in love with one of us. It’s love or nothing!”

Picking The Rings For A Celebrity Engagement

Before the final decision, both men had the opportunity to meet with jeweler Neil Lane to choose a celebrity engagement ring for Hebert. Both men selected stunning diamond rings before it was time for the bachelorette to make her final decision. Flajnik arrived to the scene of the final beachside rose ceremony first.  Before Hebert had the chance to speak, Ben professed his love to her and got down on one knee to ask for her hand in marriage. Our bachelorette broke the tough news to him that she would not be giving him the final rose. Given the confidence he felt as he arrived at the beach, it’s no surprise this decision was unexpected for him.  He begged her not to “sugarcoat” her words to him, and left with a closing remark: “Good things don’t end unless they end badly.”

Related Link: Exclusive Interview: Former Bachelorette Winner Jesse Csincsak Gives His Take on The Season Finale

Fresh off her celebrity break-up from Flajnik, the bachelorette regained her composure as Rosenbaum arrived on the beach. She professed her love to him. He shared it was time for them to take a “leap of faith” together and that she was The One for him. He proposed, and she gladly accepted. It was a fairy tale proposal for Hebert’s storybook celebrity romance!

What did you think about the final decision — and what do you think the future holds for these lovebirds?  Be sure to check back later today to read Bachelorette expert Jesse Csincsak’s thoughts on the series finale — and don’t forget about the premiere of Bachelor Pad 2 next Monday evening!

Former ‘Bachelorette’ Winner Jesse Csincsak Talks About Ashley Hebert’s Fiji Dates and Her Final Two Men

Last night on The Bachelorette, Ryan Park paid Ashley Hebert a visit and asked for a second chance, while Constantine Tzortzis said goodbye after revealing that his relationship and love was not developing fast enough for her. Ben Flajnik and J.P. Rosenbaum are the remaining two men, and The Bachelorette now understands that this is a two way street. Here’s what Bachelorette expert Jesse Csincsak had to say about the episode:

Jess Csincsak Tells All About The Bachelorette

Were you surprised to see Ryan return? Should Chris Harrison have given Ashley a head’s up that she was going to have a “surprise visitor”?

This was a simple case of the producers saying jump and Ryan asking how high! I think the producers are teasing him with being the next Bachelor, and he wants it so bad that he can taste it. That’s why he is doing all of this dramatic nonsense. He reminds me of a few characters from past seasons who wanted to be the next Bachelor so bad — Jake Pavelka, Ed S. and Reid R. from season 5 and Jeremy A. from season 4.

What do you think about Ben’s admission that he was “unavailable” at the beginning of the journey? Is this type of admission a red flag to you?

I think J.P. and Ben’s edits are so chopped up that we will never really know what is what. I think production was trying to even the playing field with this episode by editing, so both of the final two guys look like they are at the same point with Ashley.

These contestants are always taken to places where they jump off cliffs, swim with sharks, etc. What if a contestant is afraid of these feats or they simply don’t  know how to swim? How do they get around doing these activities?

Production has you fill out a 1200 question test before you go on the show. Therefore, the participants know all of this beforehand, and the producers plan which dates to give each person.

We heard over and over again that Ashley and Constantine need more time. Given all they wanted was more time, do you think Constantine should have taken advantage of the fantasy suite to get to know her a little bit better and develop their relationship and love?

Constantine was real, and as far as I am concerned, he is the man!  There was no fantasy suite needed.

Related Link: ‘The Bachelorette’ Season 7, Episode 2: Ashley Gambles Her Heart in Vegas

Do you think it’s a bit unreasonable for Ashley to expect all of the guys to fall in love with her and be ready to propose marriage after just a few weeks of knowing each other?

I think Ashley totally understands it’s a two way street. Even at this point, no one expects anything.

Typically, by the overnight dates, we see several confessions of love for the Bachelor/Bachelorette. Do you think it’s weird or simply realistic that both J.P. and Ben are holding back on “I love you” for now?

I think it’s totally real, and all three of them are guarded. That’s why we haven’t heard them say “I love you.”

What Is Important For a Real Relationship and Love?

Ashley confides that she is more “compatible” with Ben and that J.P. “compliments” her. In relationships and love, what do you think is more important — being compatible or complimenting your significant other?

I think both are important, but at the end of the day, love alone will be what gets people through the tough times in a Hollywood relationship.

Ashley makes a big deal about the guys accepting her roses this week, and it being a two-way street. When you were on the show, did you give a lot of thought to the acceptance of the rose each week?

The show has changed a lot since I was on it. Back then, there wasn’t as much emphasis on accepting a rose.

So now we know who the final two men are at the last rose ceremony.  What’s your prediction?

Well, since all of the idiots spoiled the show for everyone, we all know who Ashley will choose.

Related Link: Exclusive Interview: Former Bachelorette Winner Jesse Csincsak Gives His Take On Ashley Hebert’s Taiwan Dates

It looks like Bentley will be back for The Men Tell All. Do you think we’ll learn anything new about him and his mind games next week, or do you suspect having him join the reunion is all about the ratings?

Somehow, I don’t believe Bentley comes back to the actual The Men Tell All. I think they just interviewed him separately because the real guys would rip him apart!

Want more Bachelorette insider insights? Check out the Bachelorette Beatdown from last night. The Beatdown is hosted by Jesse himself, and he is always joined by notable show alums!

‘The Bachelorette’ Season 7, Episode 9: Final Two Men Remaining

By Jennifer Harrington

Last night’s episode on The Bachelorette quickly reminded me that this season was almost over. The thought alone got my adrenaline racing, not because I wanted to see who Ashley Hebert would choose but because it brought me one week closer to the upcoming drama that is almost guaranteed on the Bachelor/Bachelorette spin-off, Bachelor Pad.  Until then, here’s the scoop on Hebert!

The Bachelorette journeyed back to Asia for overnight dates with the remaining three bachelors: Ben Flajnik, Constantine Tzortzis, and J.P.  Rosenbaum. Last week’s hometown dates seemed to be a big step in the right direction for our leading lady, and after arriving in Fiji, she remarked that it was the “ultimate place to fall in love.”  Keeping in mind that this week’s preview promised a few last surprises for the brunette, here’s a recap of what this episode had in store for her.

Final Two Men On This Season of The Bachelorette

The episode opened up with Hebert primping for her date with Flajnik when all of a sudden there’s a knock on the door. She opens it, and there is Ryan Park, who was kicked off two episodes ago, standing there making a plea for her to reconsider after he just flew halfway around the world to confess his lingering feelings for her. It looks like a foreshadowing to him being the next Bachelor! He says that he wants a “full chance” and catches the bachelorette off-guard and left speechless. They mutually decided that she will reach out to him with an answer if she’s interested. Now, it’s time for her date with Flajnik.

Related Link: Hollywood Couple Ashley Hebert and J.P. Rosenbaum Celebrate with Holiday Traditions

The duo spent the day together snorkeling in Fiji’s turquoise waters and frolicking like kids as they rubbed suntan lotion on one another.  We learn that the date helps to solidify Flajnik’s love for Hebert, who feels like she has known him forever. It’s no surprise to hear him say their time together is effortless. The date is followed by a candlelight dinner and the acceptance of the fantasy suite invitation. While he is hesitant to say “I love you” to Hebert, she declared they are in the midst of a “great love story.”

An End To A Relationship and Love

Next up was Tzortzis. We know that Hebert is attracted to this “Greek God,” but she continues to reinforce that their relationship and love  is moving very slowly. Slow-moving or not, as the famous couple embarks upon a day of exploring in a helicopter, it’s obvious that the relationship between the bachelorette and the restaurant owner is lacking in the sizzle department. Initially, she suspected that all they needed was more time to flourish, but a revealing conversation over dinner puts a quick end to it all. He explains that his feelings aren’t developing as fast and rather than accept an invitation to the fantasy suite and all that implies, the Atlanta native decides Fiji is the “end of the road” and says goodbye.

After reflecting a bit upon Tzortzis’s decision to leave, the bachelorette decides it’s time to chat with Park, who has been waiting patiently for a second chance with his celebrity love. The talk she has with the solar executive is almost the exact conversation they had several weeks ago; while Park is everything she wants on paper, their relationship and love is lacking passion.  Confessing she has found the spark she needs with the two other remaining bachelors, she says “farewell” to him…AGAIN.

Related Link: Ashley Hebert and J.P. Rosenbaum Have No Celebrity Wedding Plans Yet

Rosenbaum had the final date this week. It is adventure-packed as they fly around the islands in a sea plane and take a romantic swim in the ocean. He shares that he is “definitely falling in love.”  Throughout the course of the day, we hear that Rosenbaum is ready for the end of the journey and to accept the final rose — he wants Hebert to be his wife. It’s no suprise that he’s been her rock throughout this bumpy journey, and at dinner in the jungle, she shares with him her “surprises” of the week. There are no secrets between these two as he accepts her invitation to the fantasy suite.

Even though Tzortzis had packed his bags and left Fiji, the bachelorette still wanted to have a rose ceremony. His decision to leave made her realize this process is really a two-way street, and she wanted to give the remaining men the opportunity to truly “accept” the roses she offered. Both men accepted the roses, and she rejoiced in the fact that her happy ending (and a celebrity engagement!) were in the very near future for her.

Who do you think she will pick to be her husband?  To get an expert’s pick on the final two, check back later today for our Q&A with Bachelorette expert Jesse Csincsak. And don’t forget to set your DVR’s for Sunday night and The Men Tell All episode!

‘The Bachelorette’ Season 7, Episode 9 Preview: One Last Surprise for Ashley Hebert

By Jennifer Harrington

Next Episode of The Bachelorette

After saying goodbye to Ames last week during the hometown dates, it’s time for Ashley Hebert to head to Fiji this week with the remaining three men for the overnight “fantasy” dates. While the bachelorette remarks that this has been a “crazy journey” for her, she is very enthusiastic to spend some “private” time with her remaining guys: Constantine Tzortzis, Ben Flajnik, and J.P. Rosenbaum. All veteran viewers of this reality TV show know that this is a pivotal moment each season. The dates are full of exotic outings, deep conversations, tough questions, and the keys to the fantasy suite! As you’ll see in the preview, just when you think that maybe Hebert has in fact found her celebrity love story during this very rocky season of The Bachelorette, it is revealed that someone unexpected pays her a visit in Fiji!

Related Link: Josh Murray Has Moved On After Celebrity Break-Up With Former ‘Bachelorette’ Andi Dorfman

Until Monday, let us know: Who is the uninvited guest crashing the romantic party in South Pacific?  Do you think this will be a happy surprise for our leading lady — could it possibly be Bentley again?

Tune into ABC at 8/7c on Monday to check out the latest installment of the drama on The Bachelorette, and see who will be the two suitors advancing to the final rose ceremony!

Exclusive Celebrity Interview: Former ‘Bachelorette’ Winner Jesse Csincsak Shares Opinions On Ashley Hebert’s Hometown Dates

Last night on The Bachelorette, Ashley Hebert met the in-laws of the remaining four men: Constantine Tzortzis, Ames Brown, Ben Flajnik, and J.P. Rosenbaum.  As she traveled to the contestant’s hometown and met their families, her spark grew for some of the guys, while she questioned her relationship and love with others. In the end, she sent Brown home. Here’s what Bachelorette expert Jesse Csincsak had to say about the episode in our exclusive interview:

Exclusive Celebrity Interview with Jesse Csincsak

Constantine’s hometown date seemed so perfect. Do you think he’ll be one of the last men standing, or do you think it was edited to look that way for a reason? Maybe there’s something more coming that will shock us!

I think Constantine will be the next to go home. He has a strong connection with Ashley, but it’s moving way slower than the rest of the guys, and I think that will be what gets him sent home. I don’t think there are any tricks about his edit, but who knows — I have seen crazier stuff!

Do you think it’s a red flag that Ben’s relationships and love haven’t lasted that long and that he’s only brought home one other person?

I’m not going to lie — Ben is cool, but I just don’t see Ashley moving to central California to be a mellow wine maker’s wife. I personally think Ashley would be better suited with J.P. or Constantine, but I am not her.

Do you think J.P. has a jealous streak that could get in the way of his relationship with Ashley? Or will his lack of commitment lead to their demise?

Every guy has a point of jealousy. It’s all about how much it takes to trigger that jealous bug. I think they are going to get into some deep conversations next week. Perhaps that’s what the walking out of the room scene will be.

Related Link: Celebrity Pregnancy: Former ‘Bachelorette’ Emily Maynard is Expecting!

Planning Hometown Date Ideas

Who plans the hometown date ideas? For example, J.P.’s roller skating date — was that his own idea, or did the producers plan that?

The producers do all the planning, but you can tell them what you would like to do — such as snowboarding or go on a horse and carriage. They want it to be activities you would actually enjoy doing!

How nerve-wracking are hometown dates? Is it true that this is the first time you are physically seeing your family since the show started?

When you go on the hometown dates, you don’t even get to stay at your house or see your family except what everyone sees on camera! They make you stay in a hotel two miles from your house, so you can’t talk to or see anyone you know. That’s why everyone looks genuinely happy to see one another on camera.

Do all the families need to sign a waiver stating that they can’t disclose the hometown dates before the season airs? What’s the process?

All family members do have to sign a non-disclosure agreement before the contestants even get to their hometown. Once the fifth and sixth guys go home, the producers approach the contestants after the rose ceremony and ask them for the contact information of the person the Bachelorette will be meeting on the hometown date. Since the producers do it all, the guys don’t get a chance to tell their parents what’s going on.

Which of the remaining men do you think is best for Ashley?

Although I think Constantine or J.P. will fit her lifestyle the best, Ben is a great guy too!

Were you surprised to see Ames go? If so, who did you think would leave this week?

I wasn’t surprised to see Ames leave. Somehow, I just can’t see Ashley sitting by a massive indoor pool and Jacuzzi talking about how amazing Ames is for the rest of her life or being driven around in a horse and carriage by the butlers until she’s 80. But then again, that’s just me.

Related Link: Reality TV Star Ashley Hebert Instagrams Amazing Post-Celebrity Baby Body

In next week’s highlights, there’s a knock on the door from someone who surprised Ashley by flying to Fiji.  Who do you think that might be?

I think the surprise is either Ames or Ryan P.

There is also a scene where her family doesn’t feel that one of the guys is right for her, and it looks like she chooses him anyway. Any guesses who that may be?

I think that has to be J.P. or Ben because it’s down to the final two when you meet the parents.

Want more Bachelorette insider insights than what our exclusive interview gave? Tune into the Bachelorette Beatdown at 6pm PST every Tuesday on www.RTVZone.com. The Beatdown is hosted by Jesse himself, and he is always joined by notable show alums!

‘The Bachelorette’ Season 7, Episode 8 Preview: It’s a Dance Party!

By Jennifer Harrington

Preview of Episode 8 of The Bachelorette Season 7

Next week on reality TV’s The Bachelorette, Ashley Hebert and her four guys will be returning to the states after a whirlwind tour of Asia. That means it’s time for the all-important hometown dates!  This week, the bachelorette will be meeting the families of the following men: Constantine Tzortzis, Ben Flajnik, J.P. Rosenbaum, and Ames Brown. Creating a solid relationship with the family is a critical step in The Bachelorette process, and the sneak peek promises that Hebert will immediately feel at home with Tzortzis’s family. After remarking “I love your family, and I’m moving in,” the bubbly brunette is treated to a “Welcome Home, Constantine!” dance party with the Atlanta native’s extended family. If Hebert is looking for a relationship and love with a family man, maybe this is it — after all, Tzortzis says that family is an “integral part” of his life. Could he be the winner of The Bachelorette season 7?

Related Link: ‘The Bachelorette’ Battle Begins as Season 11 Promo is Released!

Tune in next Monday night at 8/7c to see how the guys do during the hometown dates and to find out who will be moving on to the fantasy suite and overnight dates. As always, when you’re watching, feel free to send us your questions about the episode for our resident The Bachelorette expert, Jesse Csincsak!

Exclusive Celebrity Interview: Former ‘Bachelorette’ Winner Jesse Csincsak Gives His Take on Ashley Hebert’s Taiwan Dates

Last night on The Bachelorette, Ashley Hebert said goodbye to Lucas Daniels and Ryan Park, and their journeys ended in Taiwan. In addition to finding out who the final four are — J.P. Rosenbaum, Ben Flajnik, Constantine Tzortzis, and Ames Brown — Emily Maynard returned to the Bachelor mansion to speak about her celebrity break-up with Brad Womack. In our exclusive celebrity interview, find out what Bachelorette expert Jesse Csincsak had to say about the episode!

Exclusive Celebrity Interview with Former Bachelorette Winner Jesse Csincsak

The mood this week was certainly different: Ashley seemed much more serious and focused as she evaluated her relationship and love with the guys. Based on your experience, is it the upcoming hometown dates that cause people to get more serious? For you, was it difficult to introduce a woman to your family that you had only known for a couple of weeks?

At this point in the show, you have been there for over a month so your feelings are definitely growing fast. When hometowns start production, it seems like they let you two be alone a lot without butting in. There are still tons of cameras there, but no producers ever pull you away to talk to you or her — they just let things be as organic as possible. Intros to the family are huge — it’s a make or break time for both parties at that point.

Related Link: The Bachelor’ Winner Courtney Robertson Says Her ‘Reality TV Days Are Over’

They didn’t show any hint of what happened when Ben didn’t come home until the next morning. Do you have any thoughts on why?

I think Ben will be one of the final two. I am assuming they probably fell asleep snuggling, but they can’t show that to the audience because it would seem like not all the guys are getting the same amount of time with her.

Please discuss Ames’ fashion choices. It seems like the producers are going out of their way to embarrass him this season — from the pink boxing shorts to his wedding attire this week. Why would they intentionally do this?

First off, Ames is a ROCKET SCIENTIST, not a fashion guru. Secondly, the show has a stylist, Karry Fetman, who outfits all the guys. So he is doing it on purpose for good TV.

Related Link: Rumor Alert: Are Kris Jenner and ‘The Bachelor’ Ben Flajnik Dating?

Did either of the departures this week — Ryan or Lucas — surprise you? Why or why not?

I have a friend who is a body language expert, Stacy Kaiser.  Check out her weekly column in USA TODAY! She has been explaining things to me, and I saw the Lucas and Ryan exit coming. Ryan was kept around for good TV.

Any theories on whose hometown date idea will be the wackiest?

In the previews, it looks like Constantine’s family is throwing money in the air — sounds like a party to me!

What’s your best guess at this point of the two men that will be standing at the final rose ceremony?

J.P. and BEN.

Do you think there was re-edit mid-season because they made Ashley look emotionally weak over the Bentley saga?

Nope. I think Ashley is trying to please producers. When she realizes how it will look on TV, she kind of backs off. So it appears that way when we watch the show, but in reality, she is just trying to please production.

Why do you think Emily came on the show to speak?  Ratings? Producers’ influence? Is she the next Bachelorette?

Emily came on for 15 minutes, crying the whole time and saying absolutely nothing. This tells me production did all of this, and they are trying to make her the next Bachelorette. I am sure she will be paid well!

Given the romance with Emily is over, do you think The Bachelor fans have seen the last of Brad Womack? Do you think there is any chance we’ll see him sit down with Chris Harrison to tell his side of the story any time soon?

I think Brad is sick of the press, but I am sure he would return if he was paid the right amount of money.

Want more The Bachelorette insider insights? Check out the Bachelorette Beatdown this evening. The Beatdown is hosted by Jesse himself, and he is always joined by notable show alums!

‘The Bachelorette’ Season 7, Episode 7 Recap: Looking for the Total Package in Taiwan

By Jennifer Harrington

Last night’s episode of The Bachelorette left us with the final six men! Ashley Hebert’s game face was on as she committed to finding the total package in a guy — an emotional and physical connection — before she would grant a rose for hometown dates.  The episode featured J.P. Rosenbaum whining about the fact that Ben Flajnik had an overnight date and Ryan Park looking like he was on the brink of a nervous breakdown if he didn’t get a solo date with the bachelorette. However, the highlight of the evening was when Emily Maynard came back on the show to chat with Chris Harrison about her relationship and love with Brad Womack — or lack thereof. If you missed last night’s episode of the reality TV show, here’s how it all went down:

Recap of The Bachelorette Season 7, Episode 7

There were four dates this week: three one-on-one dates and one group date. The first solo date went to Georgia-based restaurateur, Constantine Tzortzis. He and Herbert’s relationship and love had been moving slower than the others, so this was her opportunity to see if there was a connection. The date began with a train ride to a nearby village and concluded with both of them releasing a big balloon-like, paper lantern into the sky, which had included their “love” wishes on it. Hebert said it was “the most romantic date ever.” Cliché as it is, love was in the air!

Related Link: Famous Couple Sean Lowe and Catherine Giudici Speak Out Against the New ‘Bachelorette’ Twist 

The next alone date was given to Sonoma winemaker, Ben Flajnik. It’s tough to ignore the obvious chemistry between this duo, as they explored Taiwan on mopeds. Flajnik revealed to the cameras that he was falling in love with the bachelorette but wasn’t ready to tell her yet. Hebert revealed to the cameras (not to him) that it felt like he was her boyfriend. The next development was truly shocking: We learned that Flajnik didn’t come home from this date until the next morning! Is that a Bachelor/Bachelorette first? It really pissed off some of the other guys in the house.

While the activities of the overnight date remained mysterious, there was no secret about the fact that Rosenbaum was annoyed by the sleepover. His crankiness carried over into the group date, where he was accompanied by Ames Brown and Lucas Daniels to try on traditional Taiwanese wedding attire and take wedding photographs. Rosenbaum now sulked about the fact that the other guys were taking kissing photos with his lady. It all paid off for him though: When he shared his feelings with Hebert, she rewarded the construction manager from Long Island with the only guaranteed hometown rose.

Related Link: Can You Really Find Love on ‘The Bachelor’?

Last but not least, we have Park: the last man standing for a one-on-one date. After a day of checking out local Taiwanese culture, the conversation turned to water heaters, energy preservation, and the environment — certainly not a way to get “in the mood” or build romantic chemistry. At this point, Hebert knew that her first-impression-guy was not going to be her husband, and she tearfully told him goodbye. Park, the eternal optimist (and the “top contender,” according to Brown), left in tears too.

Aside from Rosenbaum, the final three roses went to Tzortzis, Flajnik, and Brown. Daniels was out and graciously said goodbye.  With the hometown dates decided, it was time to shift focus to Chris Harrison’s interview with Emily Maynard.

Past Winner of The Bachelor Speaks Out About Relationship and Love

Maynard returned to The Bachelor mansion to speak about her celebrity break-up with Brad Womack, who declined to appear on the segment. The devastated blonde confessed that she had been hunted by the paparazzi, that she didn’t know who to trust, and that she ultimately didn’t have the reassurance that her fiancé would stand by her side forever. She came on the show to try and end the rumors. Always the devoted mother to little Ricki, Maynard declared she would always love Womack but revealed that the engagement is over. Her focus is now to be the best mom she can be. Are we being set-up for her return?

Check back later today to read Bachelorette expert Jesse Csincsak’s thoughts on the episode (and Emily’s interview). Until then, let us know: after seeing Emily detail her break-up with Brad, do you think there is any truth to the rumors that she will be the next Bachelorette?

‘The Bachelorette’ Season 7, Episode 7 Preview: More Wedding Themed Dates in Taiwan and Emily Maynard is Back!

By Jennifer Harrington

It’s been two weeks since we caught up with Ashley Hebert in her search for love on The Bachelorette. During the last episode, it seemed like our leading lady finally found closure to her obsession with Bentley, and her feelings for the remaining six bachelors were starting to blossom.  This week’s episode takes us to Taiwan for more over-the-top wedding-themed dates (you may recall her Vegas escapade with William earlier this season). Certainly, the Taiwan Tourism Bureau had a lot to do with this episode as they’re now offering special packages to fans who want to recreate Ashley’s dates. During a group date, the bachelorette and three of her men model traditional Taiwanese wedding apparel. When will this wedding theme end?

Now here’s the good part: Monday’s episode will include an appearance from Emily Maynard!  She’ll be stopping by to talk with Chris Harrison about her recent break-up with Brad Womack.  Will she be the next Bachelorette?  We sure hope so!  Tune in on Monday, July 11 at 8PM Eastern/7PM Central and be sure to send us your questions for our resident Bachelorette expert Jesse Csincsak!

Cupid Exclusive: Former Bachelorette Winner Jesse Csincsak Gives His Take on Ashley Hebert’s Hong Kong Action

As we all saw last night on The Bachelorette, it was an emotional evening for Ashley.  She put a “period” on her “dot dot dot” relationship with Bentley and had to confess her secret meeting (and feelings) for the bad boy to the remaining bachelors. Here’s what our resident Bachelorette expert Jesse Csincsak had to say about the episode:

We’ve been waiting for Bentley to return for weeks.  When Ashley spoke with him in Hong Kong, were you surprised by anything he said to her?

Bentley is so used to talking to girls until they are totally confused, and then they just do exactly what he wants.  Nothing Bentley said to Ashley last night made any sense!

We all know Bentley was never truly interested in Ashley.  So why do you think he kept saying things like if things didn’t work out with her and the guys, she had the option of looking him up in Salt Lake City?

He figured worst case scenario, “we can hook up”!  That’s it.

It was good to see Ashley finally get mad at Bentley.  What do you think happened for her to see the light and realize he was a jerk?

You have to remember a lot happens in the editing room.  There could have been hours of conversation we didn’t see, so there is no telling what set her off. It could have been as simple as the producers telling her about his antics; who knows!

Ames surprised Ashley with the kiss in the elevator. What were your thoughts during the steamy elevator smooch?

I think Ames kissed her in the elevator because the producers got him drunk and told him to do it. That was not an Ames move! An Ames move would have been reciting her poetry in a foreign language!

We’ve heard many times that the other guys don’t like Ryan. Do you think he acts different around Ashley, and do you see a spark between them?

I think Ryan is being kept there by producers. He is getting roses because it creates drama, which is great TV. There is no real connection there in my book.

Ashley confided in J.P. during their one-on-one date. This was a brave move — do you think she did it because she feels J.P. may be “the one” she selects for the final rose, and she wants a clear conscience as she moves forward in the journey with him?

ABC is trying to sell us J.P. as the winner. I think J.P. is getting way to much camera time to be the winner; usually the winner is a sleeper that doesn’t get a lot of camera time. I could see Mickey coming back during the Exotic Dates and becoming one of the final two. With that being said, I think Ashley telling J.P. was all produced!

Some of the guys had pretty strong reactions when they found out Ashley had seen Bentley again. Did you expect the response from the guys, and which guy’s reaction surprised you the most?

I wasn’t surprised by the reactions at all. I loved that Mickey went home; that’s an Ohio boy for you! I would have done the same thing. Mickey – I got nothing but love for you, bro!

Blake was the guy to go home this week. Why do you think Ashley sent him home?

I think Blake got sent home simply because he called Ashley out.

Ashley was extremely emotional this week. Even though the “dot dot dot” with Bentley is over, do you think Ashley is in the right frame of mind to fall in love?

I think Ashley knows exactly what she wants. I think that the production end of the show is just slowing the process down. She needs to just do whatever it is that she would normally do and not try to please producers. The show would come across a lot better!


Want more Bachelorette insider insights?  Check out the Bachelorette Beatdown this evening. The Beatdown is hosted by Jesse himself, and he is always joined by notable show alums, who will certainly have plenty to say about the reappearance of Bentley!