Cupid's Pulse Article: Selena Gomez Calls New Celebrity Love Zedd ‘Harry to my Sally’ on InstagramCupid's Pulse Article: Selena Gomez Calls New Celebrity Love Zedd ‘Harry to my Sally’ on Instagram

By Katie Gray

There is a new celebrity love story in town! Singer, Selena Gomez, and music producer and DJ, Zedd, are a new celebrity couple. The Heart Wants What It Wants singer posted a picture February 9th, on Instagram captioned, “Harry to my Sally.’ If that’s not love, then what is? According to, “Zelena have been flirtatious ever since they attended a Golden Globes afterparty together, and have posted several images on social media of one another.”

New celebrity love birds Selena Gomez and Zedd are nothing if not flirtatious. What are three ways to show a crush you’re interested in him or her?

Cupid’s Advice:

When you develop a crush on someone, it’s important to let them know you’re interested without being too obvious. Cupid has some dating advice:

1. Be yourself: Although you may be feeling shy at first, which is completely understandable, make sure to just be yourself. Let him/her get to know who you truly are, so they get to know the real you instead of someone you are pretending to be. You should aspire to be the best version of yourself each day!

Related Link: New Celebrity Couple Selena Gomez and Zedd Face Doubt From Her Friends

2. Body language: Your body language and facial expressions are both ways to communicate, therefore; it’s important to pay attention to these aspects when interacting with your new crush. Smile, look engaging, be confident, laugh and look like you want to be in their presence. Don’t look timid, bored or nervous. If it’s evident that you’re interested in being there, they will pick up on that. Try not to text or email on your phone too much. Pay attention to them and your surroundings.

Related Link: Taylor Swift Cuts Off Selena Gomez Post-Reunion With Justin Bieber

3. Get in touch with your feelings: The most imperative thing to do is get in touch with your inner feelings. Determine how you feel about the people in your life and your situations. Once you are sure you have a crush on someone, pursue it and let them know. It can be a little scary but you will be glad afterwards because you will know if the feelings are reciprocated. If they feel the same way about you then great! If they just want to be friends, then take their friendship and be glad you found out when you did so that you can pursue someone who is meant for you. It’s a win, win situation!

What are some ways you have let your crush know you were into them? Share your stories below.