Cupid's Pulse Article: Election Day Celebrity StyleCupid's Pulse Article: Election Day Celebrity Style

By Kaitlyn Monteiro

With this year’s 2010 midterm elections coming to a close today, we aren’t seeing the celebrity star power that we witnessed in 2008.  Make no mistake; it’s not the Presedential election but it’s still an important time to vote.  According to experts, Hollywood is staying home this election period.  Why the lack of star power now?  Where’s Brad and Angelina?  Demi and Ashton? Whether we like it or not, these famous folks can influence public opinion.   If you and your partner are ready to vote but don’t see eye-to-eye when it comes to politics, there are still ways that you can make a stance while maintaining a healthy relationship:

1. One way to achieve neutral ground is by educating others.  Instead of focusing your attention on who you’re voting for, put the spotlight on the traditional lack of voter turn out instead and help increase the numbers.

2. Stand behind a group.  While Jay-Z has made it clear in the past Presidential election who he was voting for, this time around he’s working with the Vote Again 2010 campaign headed by HeadCount, a nonpartisan organization that works with musicians to promote participation in democracy.  Find ways to get involved with groups that share the same political viewpoint as you.

3. Avoid trying to change your partner’s opinion.  You’re with them because of the person they are, not the political candidate they support.  Respect that they have the right to an opinion that differs from yours.  Don’t ridicule your significant other’s views on certain issues — instead, listen and work to understand their stance.

Without becoming a political celebrity staple, celebrity couples are taking on a more open-minded and neutral stance when it comes to the midterm elections, and you and your significant other can try this out too.  While issues dealt with during political elections can be the breaking point for some couples, that doesn’t mean that Republicans, Democrats, and all parties alike cannot find mutual grounds in the dating world.