Cupid's Pulse Article: David Beckham: Prince William and Kate Middleton Are ‘So Loving’Cupid's Pulse Article: David Beckham: Prince William and Kate Middleton Are ‘So Loving’

By Kristyn Schwiep

Being a first-time parent can always be a little intimidating, but David Beckham thinks Prince William and Kate Middleton will be on top of it when their first child is born. According to, Beckham thinks they are going to be amazing parents, because they’re so loving towards children. Beckham, father of four, believes the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge will be great with the royal baby. Beckham attended the royal wedding in April and says that he has seen William grow from a young boy into an unbelievable gentleman. Beckham even joked and suggested to USA Today, that the royal couple should name their first-born David if they welcome a son.

How do you know if your partner will make a good parent?

Cupid’s Advice:

How do you know if your partner will make a good parent?  Well, if they’re sensitive, thoughtful, and supportive, you should be in the clear.  All the qualities that make your partner a great partner are ones that will make them a great parent.  So what are some qualities that will make your partner a good parent? Cupid has some advice for you:

1. They love to spend time with you: If you partner loves spending time with you at home opposed to spending the night out partying with friends, you’ve got yourself a keeper.  A partner who rather spend time with you should show that you have nothing to worry about when the baby comes along.  Now you know your partner will be there for you and the baby no matter what.

2. They’re patient:  If they’re patient with you, work, family or friends you can breathe easy.  If your partner knows how to handle a stressful situation calmly you have nothing to worry about when welcoming your new-born into the world.  Your partner will be just as patient with your child as they would be with any other situation.

3. They love kids:  If your partner loves spending time with their niece, nephews, or younger cousins your partner will make a great parent.  Kids and babies can be overwhelming and exhausting so if your partner loves playing with kids and they love them back, you have nothing to worry about.

What qualities do you think make your partner a good parent? Share your thoughts below.