Cupid's Pulse Article: Celebrity News: Kristen Stewart Visits Taylor Swift Post-Breakup from Robert PattinsonCupid's Pulse Article: Celebrity News: Kristen Stewart Visits Taylor Swift Post-Breakup from Robert Pattinson

By April Littleton

A source confirmed to, that the Snow White and the Huntsman actress went to seek comfort from Taylor Swift after breaking up with Robert Pattinson for the second time. Ever since K-Stew’s affair with director Rupert Sanders, the once-happy couple has been dealing with relationship issues. On Sunday, Pattinson was seen moving out of the house he shared with Stewart. A source close to the couple said, “She tried, they both tried. They’re both good people. It was just not the right thing for either of them right now.”

What are some ways to cope with the aftermath of a fresh split?

Cupid’s Advice:

Breaking up with a partner is never an easy pill to swallow. The pain of breaking up with someone you thought was the love of your life can feel unbearable. If it’s a fresh split, you’re probably feeling hurt, angry and sad – all of that is OK to feel! Cupid has some advice on how to get over the initial pain of a breakup:

1. Have a girl’s night out: It’s very important for you to have a support system once you break things off with your boo. You want to surround yourself with people who love you unconditionally and that’s where your girlfriends come in. Have a movie night or dance away your sorrows at a club. You’ll find it easier to get back to being yourself with your girls around.

2. Give yourself some time: Time is the best healer! Don’t rush into a new relationship just to help ease the pain of losing someone you once loved. Be patient with yourself and let the tears fall. It’s OK to cry over the lose of a relationship. In the end, you will feel and be better for it.

3. Stay active: Lounging around in bed for weeks may seem like a good idea, but it won’t make you feel any better! You need to continue to do things you were doing before the breakup. Take up a new hobby, participate in an art class – do whatever you have to do to regain your focus in life. Once you’re finally over your ex, you’ll be glad you didn’t hide under the covers the whole time.

How did you get over a breakup? Share your experience below.