Cupid's Pulse Article: Celebrity News: Nick Lacey Says ‘Camden Is The Happiest Baby On Earth’Cupid's Pulse Article: Celebrity News: Nick Lacey Says ‘Camden Is The Happiest Baby On Earth’

By Francoise Shirley for Celebrity Baby Scoop

New dad Nick Lachey is loving every minute with his 7-month-old son Camden who has “just started crawling.” The crooner, 39, is debuting his new lullaby album, A Father’s Lullaby, as well as his latest CD with 98 Degrees, titled 2.0.

Nick opens up to Celebrity Baby Scoop about the joys of fatherhood, touring this summer with wife Vanessa Lachey and their sweet son, his hopes for another son and a daughter, and his plans to keep “evolving” in the music industry.

CBS: Tell us all about new lullaby album, A Father’s Lullaby. Tell us about the songs and what inspired you to do the album.

NL: “Well, I was definitely inspired to do the album because of the impending birth of my son, Camden.  All the emotions you feel in anticipation of this experience is perfect for writing music. I chose songs that were favorites of mine and then also wrote 6 originals for the record. The originals are so meaningful to me, truly inspired by my little man.”

Related Link: Vanessa Lachey Calls Nick Lachey a ‘Doting Dad’

CBS: Do you notice that Camden responds to your singing voice? Do you feel it’s a special way to bond with your baby, whether you have a beautiful voice like yours or not?

NL: “Camden definitely recognizes my voice when he hears it. I think it’s an incredible way to bond with your little one, whether you have a good singing voice or not!”

CBS: How is Camden doing?

NL: “Camden is great, he really is the happiest baby on Earth. He’s just started crawling, which is a lot of fun.”

CBS: You recently said you’re moving home to Ohio in a few years. Do you plan to retire once you move home?

NL: “I’m way too young to retire! I do plan on spending as much time with my kids as possible though, so if that means trying to lighten the workload a little bit, then so be it. My family is definitely the priority at this point in my life.”

Related Link: Vanessa Lachey Says She’s Excited to Become a Mom

CBS: How has fatherhood changed you? Please share some of the greatest joys of fatherhood. Biggest challenges?

NL: “It has changed me for sure. It literally affects everything you do, every decision you make. Your priorities completely shift and your kids instantly become the most important thing in the world. I think it’s made me a more patient person as well.

My greatest joy is waking him up every day. Seeing that little boy look up and smile at me every morning is the perfect way to start my day. The biggest challenge is having enough time in the day to do everything I need to do.”

CBS: It seems like you’re thrilled to have a son. Are you also hoping to have a daughter one day? How many kids would you like?

NL: “I think it would be a lot of fun to have a daughter one day, but either way, fatherhood is great, regardless of the gender. In a perfect world, we’d have one more boy, then a girl.”

For the rest of the interview, click here.