Cupid's Pulse Article: Dating Advice: Fun Dates That are Virtually FreeCupid's Pulse Article: Dating Advice: Fun Dates That are Virtually Free

By Meghan Fitzgerald

Money is not always available in times of need. Queue dating. Dating is difficult as it is…the anxiety of the date, the stress of where to go, what to do. Double that difficulty if your financial situation is not at “its’ best.” Plus, perhaps your mate’s financial situation is also in the dumps. There are always ways to bend the rules of physics and plan the perfect date for little or no cost. Fun dates are a possibility, even if you are flat-out-broke. A relationship can loom from Ramen noodles! Here are some tips:

-Make a time capsule. Gather you and your partner’s favorite memories. Take apart these memories and put something into the capsule that reminds you of it. Put in the shirt you wore your first date. A picture of you two together. Items you both will cherish.

-Picnic. Pack a basket full of your favorite Chardonnay, gourmet cheeses from Trader Joe’s, and a music player filled with a mix tape of your favorite songs. Enjoy the day outside with one another.

-Roller skating. As corny as it may seem, roller skating not only takes you back years. However, it is cheap and a fun night out. Enjoy some drinks, disco balls, and cheesy love songs.

Related: How to Avoid Arguing Over Money

-Play grown-ups. Dress up in your finest, most adolescent clothes and visit open houses. Joke about where you would put your beige Northern Hemisphere Marc Blackwell love seat. What you would do with the kids in the house. Have fun with it.

-Nature. It is given to us people to enjoy. Go hike up Diamonds Head. Pack a bag of trail mix, water, electrolytes, and a camera. Sweat and laugh. Joke and embrace one another.

-Local farm. Spend the day with your beau picking fruits at the nearest farm. Take back all of your goodies to the kitchen and spark up some spice in the kitchen. Think of what you  can use it for, make up your own recipe!

Related: Who Do We Really Think Should Pay for The First Date?

-Wine tour. All you have to do here usually is buy a ticket for the venue and drink away. Enjoy the scenery, culture, and your partner. 

-Movie date: Take your mate out to a matinee. It is immensely cheaper to go to the movie theater during the day. Sneak in candy and drinks. Buy a large popcorn and share under the dark lights.

-Art gallery: Walk or cab it towards your local art gallery. Have pretentious conversations of the paintings lighting, hues, and purpose. Enjoy cappuccinos at the nearest coffee shop afterwards.

Have you ever gone on a fun date which was virtually free? Explain below.