Cupid's Pulse Article: Halle Berry’s Ex Gabriel Aubry Says Olivier Martinez Threatened to Kill HimCupid's Pulse Article: Halle Berry’s Ex Gabriel Aubry Says Olivier Martinez Threatened to Kill Him

By Jennifer Ross

There are more legal documents in Halle Berry’s life these days. After a brutal Thanksgiving Day fight that ended with Berry’s ex Gabriel Aubry being arrested, Aubry claims that it was Berry’s fiancé Olivier Martinez who started the fight, according to People. Written in Aubry’s application for a restraining order against Martinez, Aubry claims that “Mr. Martinez jumped me on the side of my body… continued to punch me at least two or three times, kicked me in the ribs with his knee or foot, and took my head in his hands and slammed it to the concrete driveway.” Aubry also alleges that Martinez yelled, “When you see the judge, you’re going to tell him you’re going to Paris, or I’m going to kill you.” Because of the fight, Aubry has a restraining order against him to stay away from Berry, Martinez and his daughter Nahla. All this stemmed from a court battle between Berry and Aubry over Nahla. Berry hoped to move to France with Martinez and Nahla, but a judge ruled against Berry. With regards to Aubry’s injuries, he states, “I ended up suffering a fractured rib, multiple bruises on my face and my forehead, an area under my left eye, and three areas in my mouth required stitches.”

How do you keep your ex and current partner from butting heads?

Cupid’s Advice:

Anytime your ex and your current partner are involved in matters together or involving you, it can be awkward and possibly dangerous for everyone. Whether their communication is required or unnecessary, there are ways to deal with it. To keep the peace, here are a few ideas on preventing any disruption:

1. Let go of your ex: You are still a friend to your ex, but your current partner is not happy about this. If there is nothing legally or financially tying you to your ex, the best thing to do is let that relationship go. Otherwise, you will end up losing your current mate.

2. Keep relationships separate: If you must stay in contact with your ex due to children or financial matters, you will need to keep your relationships with each one completely separate from the other. That includes no complaining to one about the other. It will be difficult, but it’s the only way to ensure peace between them.

3. Stay out of it: Suppose your ex and your current partner are friends and want to remain that way. Then, you will have to stay out of their relationships with each other. You will not be able to be involved with any conversations about them with either one of them. Instead, let them figure out things on their own.

What did you do to keep your ex and current partner from butting heads? Tell us below.