Cupid's Pulse Article: Jessica Biel Has Done Nothing for Her Wedding YetCupid's Pulse Article: Jessica Biel Has Done Nothing for Her Wedding Yet

Although Jessica Biel has been with Justin Timberlake since 2007, and the couple announced their engagement this past January, she  has done “almost nothing” to prepare for her wedding. In Biel’s eyes, there’s no reason to rush things. According to People, she said, “Being engaged is just absolutely amazing. You’re in this romantic, ahhhhh, breathless moment that I’m just trying to extend as long as possible.”

How do you know when to start planning your wedding?

Cupid’s Advice: 

So you’ve shared the good news of your engagement with your friends and family. Now what? Here’s some advice on how to figure out when to start preparing for the big day:

1. Talk it over with married couples: After announcing your engagement, ask friends and family for some helpful tips. Receiving advice from couples who have already been through the wedding planning process can be a big help. Ask them for recommendations and what they wish they knew when they started planning their own wedding.
2. Have an open mind: Planning can be very difficult. Whether the venue you want may is already booked, or the dress you want is too expensive, things can always get out of hand. But, before you get upset and overwhelmed, remember that no matter what, it’s going to be an amazing day. Once you’re able to think positively like this, you’re ready to start your plans.
3. Get a time frame to work with: Deciding how long of an engagement you and your partner want is crucial for obvious reasons. It’ll help you decide whether to start planning now or if you can allow yourself time to bask in the joy of being a fiancé. Once you know how long you have to plan, you can make a list of things to accomplish and work through them at your own pace.

How did you know when to begin preparing for your wedding? Tell us your story below.