Cupid's Pulse Article: ‘The Bachelor’ Season 16 Finale: Jesse Csincsak Discuss Ben Flajnik’s Decision to Choose Courtney RobertsonCupid's Pulse Article: ‘The Bachelor’ Season 16 Finale: Jesse Csincsak Discuss Ben Flajnik’s Decision to Choose Courtney Robertson

By Steven Zangrillo

Matterhorn Madness! It was the ending we saw coming. Courtney Robertson got her ring. America groaned. Life went on.

And so, we’ve come to the conclusion of the 16th season of The Bachelor. While it would be difficult to attach superlatives like “best” to the rhetorical descriptive of this season, “most weird” would definitely be a fine way to describe it. This season was beyond weird. Aside from the usual batch of girls who didn’t quite make the cut, we saw a strange dynamic develop between Ben Flajnik, CourtneyRobertson and Lindzi Cox. You would imagine that, at first glance, Lindzi would be the runaway favorite. A girl like Courtney, who chafes and bothers everyone she’s in the same room with, shouldn’t have made the cut. Lindzi is a self-made, sharp, talented professional who sustains and supports herself. However, Courtney is, ahem, a skinny dipping model. Unfortunately, for America that’s what Ben seemed to be looking for in a wife. Lindzi was sent packing.  Ben worried that the feelings “wouldn’t last a lifetime.” These are the ebbs and flows of The Bachelor. Below, Jesse gives his take on Ben’s big decision and whether he flubbed it, or not.

1. Ben’s sister Julie acted as if it would take a lot for her to like Courtney. Were you surprised with how quickly she changed her mind?

Jesse: Nope! She drank the Courtney Kool-Aid. Plus, the producers could have told her what to say and how to act. They probably edited it in a way to make us see it that way.

2. Did Ben look stiff and awkward to you while Lindzi was opening up and being vulnerable to him on their date?

Jesse: Ben always looks a bit stiff to me but, yes he seemed awkward. Listen up ladies… if you tell a guy numerous times that you love him and he doesn’t say it back… it’s game over.

Related: Courtney Robertson Says She Tried Hard To Be Nice to the Other Women

3. Was there any time during the episode that you thought maybe, just maybe the whole thing would be twisted and Ben would choose Lindzi over Courtney?

Jesse: Nope. People love to hate. Choosing Courtney meant ratings. Mike Fleiss loves that!

4. Any advice for Lindzi given that she was rejected on National television?

Jesse: Keep on keepin, girl. You’re the whole package. You’ll be just fine.

Related: What Does Astrology Tell Us About Bachelor Ben Flajnik and His Quest for Love?

5. When Ben was preparing to propose to Courtney, he said “but.” What was your reaction?

Jesse: Just a production adlib. They made him include that in his proposal.

6. After watching The Final Rose, have your feelings about Courtney changed?

Jesse: I still don’t believe her, but I think Mike Fleiss and his production team have sold out Ben for ratings.

Related: The Bachelor Season 16: Ann and Jesse Csincsak Discuss Hometown Dates and One Big Faux Wedding

7. Do you think that Ben should have been there by Courtney’s side throughout the media backlash?

Jesse: Of course. If you chose her you should defend her, bro. Stick by what you do!

8. Any predictions for this couple?

Jesse: Best of luck!