I had gone to a birthday party for my best friend from college a couple of months ago. While I was there, I had the opportunity to meet all of her friends from home. There was one guy in particular who was very cute, but I thought nothing of it. The very next day, my friend calls me up and says the guy is interested in me and would like to go out to dinner and a movie. OMG! The night of our date, I walked into the restaurant with butterflies flittering in my stomach. I spotted him in a second but I was very confused because he was sitting up close and personal with another girl! I was mortified. I honestly thought I was being Punk’d. Who ends up asking you on a date and then shows up with another person?! As I ran out of the restaurant I tripped on my shoe; as if it couldn’t get any worse. He didn’t even notice. He’s still very close with my friend and as he explained it to her…his ex came crying and screaming to take him back that night. Personally, I think he could have called and saved me the humiliation and trip to the restaurant. I still run in to him often and it’s so uncomfortable. I know it makes my friend uncomfortable too.
WINNER #2: Katie S.
I was having a nice dinner at a restaurant with a girlfriend one evening, when the man sitting at the the table next to us (let’s call him Pete) offered to buy us a drink. We made small talk with Pete and his business colleague throughout the evening and when he was finished with his dinner, he handed me his business card and asked me to please call him sometime. Pete said that he was very interested in taking me out on a date. Seeing that I had just ended a five year relationship only months prior, I felt flattered and excited about the possibilities that lye ahead. All hope was not lost on a broken long-term relationship. The two men paid their check, said their good-byes and left the restaurant. About three minutes later, Pete was back. I thought to myself, “Wow, he really is interested in me.” He smiled as he approached us but instead of continuing his gaze in our direction, his ocean blue eyes hit the floor. It was not out of shyness though. He was on a mission to find something he had left behind. He looked on the table and under it. Then, all of a sudden there it was..a shiny gold wedding band. Sitting right there on the floor next to his seat. I stared in utter disbelief that he had been so careless, not to mention that he even took it off in the first place. He picked up the ring, looked at me and said, “My colleague left this behind and asked me to get it for him.” I gave a partial smile and turned away. Needless to say, I never called him. I am not writing this sticky situation on my account. I am writing it on behalf of that man who must have felt like a complete idiot when he had to come back and admit in cold blood that he was lying about his relationship status. I’m just glad that I found out the truth before any date took place.