Cupid's Pulse Article: Prince William and Kate Middleton Re-Gift Land Rover Wedding PresentCupid's Pulse Article: Prince William and Kate Middleton Re-Gift Land Rover Wedding Present

This royal couple loves to give back. Upon receiving a Mountain Rescue Team Land Rover as a wedding gift, Prince William and Kate Middleton passed it on as charity to the Mountain Rescue England and Wales. After a raffle, it was awarded to the Patterdale team, according to “The vehicle will be greatly appreciated. Our present vehicle only has a shelf life of about six months and we were embarking on a major fundraising exercise to raise more than £45,000 to replace it,” said Keith Montgomery, honorary secretary of Glossop Mountain Rescue Team.

What do you do if you don’t like a gift you get at your wedding?

Cupid’s Advice:

Getting questionable gifts is an inevitable part of getting married.  You’re not going to like every single gift you receive from your guests. Here are a few ways to deal with that situation:

1. Regardless, send a thank you card: No matter what the gift, you still must send a “thank you” note even if you can’t stand what you received. Just because this particular guest may have misread your tastes, that doesn’t mean he or she doesn’t have the best wishes for you and your marriage.

2. Give back: Chances are you may receive more than one toaster or food processor. Instead of sticking them in a drawer never to be seen again, donate these items to a shelter or group home for children. These types of facilities are not able to afford luxuries, and giving back to them is a great way to bring good karma to your marriage.

3. Use your gift receipt: You can always return the unwanted present to the store and use the cash for something you really wanted. However, if you choose to go this route, don’t tell your guest. Although they most likely want you to have what you need, they might be hurt if they find you didn’t like their gift.

What did you do with your unwanted wedding gifts? Share your experiences below.