Cupid's Pulse Article: Justin Timberlake Is Asked Out By Marine After Mila KunisCupid's Pulse Article: Justin Timberlake Is Asked Out By Marine After Mila Kunis

It seems to be a trend.  According to People, after Sergeant Scott Moore of the Marines invited Friends With Benefits star Mila Kunis to the Marine Corps Ball, a female Marine decided to follow suit and give it a try with Justin Timberlake.  Kelsey De Santis, a Virginia-based Marine, made her own YouTube video, asking Timberlake out to her own Marine Corps Ball, November 12.  She added a little catch at the end: “…if you can’t go, all I can say is cry me a river.”  Justin has not yet responded.

What are some ways to get your longtime crush to notice you?

Sometimes the hardest part about starting a relationship is actually catching your crush’s attention. Cupid has some advice for you:

Steal the show: Look awesome. No one can resist an exquisite physical appearance. Come on, personality is great, but let’s be honest, what do they see first?

Eye contact: Whenever you see that it’s appropriate, look your crush dead in the eye. For one, it shows confidence. Secondly, it’s the obvious: your crush is bound to notice you if there’s some eye contact! Just don’t make it awkward

Converse: Strike up a neutral conversation about an easy and relevant topic. Conversation can take a turn anywhere, and it’s fun to see where it goes. Put your nerves in the back seat, and just go for it!

Have some tips of your own? Share your thoughts below.