By Jennifer Harrington
It’s been two weeks since we caught up with Ashley Hebert in her search for love on The Bachelorette. During the last episode, it seemed like our leading lady finally found closure to her obsession with Bentley, and her feelings for the remaining six bachelors were starting to blossom. This week’s episode takes us to Taiwan for more over-the-top wedding-themed dates (you may recall her Vegas escapade with William earlier this season). Certainly, the Taiwan Tourism Bureau had a lot to do with this episode as they’re now offering special packages to fans who want to recreate Ashley’s dates. During a group date, the bachelorette and three of her men model traditional Taiwanese wedding apparel. When will this wedding theme end?
Now here’s the good part: Monday’s episode will include an appearance from Emily Maynard! She’ll be stopping by to talk with Chris Harrison about her recent break-up with Brad Womack. Will she be the next Bachelorette? We sure hope so! Tune in on Monday, July 11 at 8PM Eastern/7PM Central and be sure to send us your questions for our resident Bachelorette expert Jesse Csincsak!