After the wedding that made Hollywood headlines, Reese Witherspoon and new husband Jim Toth were spotted on their honeymoon in Belize. According to People, the actress’ schedule has been completely packed lately with the wedding, celebrating her 35th birthday and promoting her new movie Water for Elephants, co-starring Robert Pattinson. For now, Witherspoon is spending quality time with her children and her new husband in the Belize sun. With the premiere of her movie on April 22nd, this movie star must head back to work very soon, making this vacation a bit shorter than the busy Hollywood couple would have liked.
How do you have a romantic honeymoon in a short period of time?
Cupid’s Advice:
A good marriage is not about the honeymoon lasting forever; it’s about the honeymoon period lasting forever. As long as your eyes continue to light up when you see your partner, you’ll always feel like you’re on vacation:
1. Plan a second honeymoon: Vacations are always fun to plan either as a couple or as a family. If you feel that your honeymoon wasn’t long enough, plan to go on another very soon.
2. Vacation close to home: If you cut down on the travel time, you will have more time to spend on vacation instead of getting to one.
3. Plan ahead: It may not seem romantic to have a honeymoon on a schedule, but it can be a real time saver.