Cupid's Pulse Article: Fitness Trend: Throw Around The Pigskin This ThanksgivingCupid's Pulse Article: Fitness Trend: Throw Around The Pigskin This Thanksgiving

By Ahjané Forbes

Thanksgiving is a time when we spend time with our family eating turkey and ham with all the fixings. This holiday is notorious for excessive weight gain, cooler temperatures, and, of course, football. Many NFL teams play on this holiday because of the gain of viewership, since most people have the day off from work. Rival teams play to be crowned the winner while die-hard fans are screaming at their screens with excitement, anger, or a little bit of both. The first ever championship game on Turkey Day was between Yale University and Princeton in 1876, though college football is now held the day after on Black Friday. Spending time with your family watching football can create many memories, but getting out here and playing football with your family can determine whose house dinner will be at for next year!

It’s time to throw around the pigskin this Thanksgiving! What are some ways this fitness trend can provide health benefits?

Exercise: After eating and waiting for your food to digest, exercise can come in handy. Although you can’t gain weight from one single big meal, it is very important to exercise to keep your body healthy! Football is a game that the whole family can participate in. Split the family into teams (children vs children and adults vs adults). Play the four quarters, have a water boy, cheerleaders, a referee, and of course, fans! Everyone will be involved and getting much- needed exercise!

Reduction of Stress: Releasing endorphins can make your body react better to pain. This will create a more positive feeling throughout your whole body. Stress for the duration of several weeks can cause a weakened immune system, high blood pressure, fatigue, and depression. Exercise can make your body happier, stress-free, and healthier.

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Bonding: Not every member of your family has been there since the very beginning. Some married into it, and some were born into it. Getting them involved in a game of football can make them feel like a part of the family. Make the new baby giggle and laugh when a touchdown is made, or have the new spouse be a part of the team or keep score. They will feel welcomed!

Mental health: People who suffer from seasonal disorders can be feeling a bit under the weather around Thanksgiving. Playing or watching football with family can improve someone’s mood. The “feel good” aspects that football has on a person’s well-being may lift their sprits. This distraction can take your family members’ minds off of their daily struggles!

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Tradition: Playing football on Thanksgiving with the family can easily turn into a tradition to pass down for years to come. It is a way to add a little more excitement to the holiday and celebrate the importance of family.

Love: People who do not like football usually don’t know how the sport works. Learn how the plays are called, how many points a touchdown is, what a fumble and penalty flag are, when a field goal or punt is considered and how to know if you are off-sides. Learning these things can make someone fall in love with the game of football. It can also help if you are seeing the game in person.

Cardio: Speaking of love, what better way to take care of your heart than by throwing around the football? Moving your muscles can pump more oxygen into your blood stream and heart. Increasing the levels of oxygen in your lungs can get rid of waste in your body.

What are some ways you can exercise with your family this Thanksgiving? Let us know in the comments below!