Cupid's Pulse Article: Dating Advice: 3 Coping Strategies for Widowers that Work Cupid's Pulse Article: Dating Advice: 3 Coping Strategies for Widowers that Work 

People who have never experienced tremendous loss can never relate to what it’s like to be a widower and frankly wouldn’t know anything about dating a widower either. Moving on and accepting the fact that the world won’t stop turning just because it feels like your life has come to an end is quite challenging, but doable when the time is right. Below, you’ll find our top three coping strategies for widowers not sure how to deal with the stress of getting back to dating following their spouse’s death. 

Dating Advice: How to Heal After the Death of a Spouse

The death of a significant other is much harder to overcome than a divorce or a break-up. Here is some dating advice on how to begin to heal and move on.

Dip Your Toes Into it: How will you ever know if you’re ready to date again if you don’t try it? It’s only natural you’re overwhelmed with feelings of guilt, and grief itself isn’t that far behind on the list of things you feel the most, but that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t at least give it a shot. Nobody expects you to go out to a bar and meet people six months following your spouse’s death; however, online dating provides you with a perfect opportunity to test the waters and see how you feel about talking to someone you find interesting. Open up a profile and check out what’s out there. Simple companionship might do the trick at first before you meet someone truly worthy of your time. 

Related Link: Relationship Advice: How to Approach Social Media Post-Breakup

Keep it to Yourself: If you have kids, it’s unlikely they’ll understand that you’re trying to move on. Rest assured the same goes with your spouse’s family. Nonetheless, you should try to get your life back on track when you feel you’re ready and nobody in the world can say when that is but you. There will be people who’ll think it’s too soon, but don’t blame them. Everyone deals with loss in a different way. This is precisely why you should keep the fact you’re going back to dating under wraps until you meet someone you’d like by your side at a family dinner or a camping trip with friends. Wait until the opportune moment to let your inner circle know there is someone new in your life and take it from there without making too much of a fuss. 

Related Link: Relationship Advice: The Afterlife Connection

Cherish the Memory: The fact that you’re trying to move on doesn’t mean you can’t cherish the memory of your late spouse. Having someone to watch a movie with, go out to dinner or to confide in will be fulfilling enough, so that you don’t feel like a burden to your kids, family, or friends. In time, they’ll understand that it’s good for everyone that you’re not alone and will come to terms with a new person sitting across from them at your birthday party. The most important thing you need to remember is that you can talk about your late spouse whenever you feel the need to do so, regardless of the fact that life goes on. Visit their grave with your kids, openly talk about them, and keep letting your kids know you’re not forgetting about their mom or dad. 

What suggestions do you have for dating after the death of an S.O.? Offer advice below!