Cupid's Pulse Article: Kourtney Kardashian and Scott Disick Take a Family VacationCupid's Pulse Article: Kourtney Kardashian and Scott Disick Take a Family Vacation

According to, E! reality star Kourtney Kardashian and longtime boyfriend, Scott Disick took a quality vacation in Cancun, Mexico with their 13-month-old son, Mason.  An insider stated that the couple seemed very relaxed on their tropical family fiesta.   After rumors of a rocky romance between the two, this three-day getaway was free from turmoil.

What are ways to re-focus a drama-filled relationship?

Cupid’s Advice:

Drama doesn’t always mean that your relationship has to come to an end.  Here are some ways to work it out:

1. Get away for a while: Though vacations may seem like a temporary solution, they may be just what you need to spark a permanent reconciliation.

2. Listen: Take a break from your own fighting words to listen to your partner’s concerns, thoughts and feelings.  Try to understand things from his point of view.  Sometimes understanding is the key to resolving important issues.

3. Look at the big picture: Your drama may be comprised of a series of small fights centered around a big problem you are not confronting.  Figure out the heart of the matter, and then focus on that instead.