Cupid's Pulse Article: Dating Advice: The Psychology of Online DatingCupid's Pulse Article: Dating Advice: The Psychology of Online Dating

By Jill Kapinus

Have you ever wondering just who, outside of the people you know, is using online dating to meet potential partners? And whether people actually think it works? We can’t quantify love—heck, we can’t even define it!—but we can look at some relationship advice and the statistics of online dating.

What makes a person reach out or respond to a virtual stranger? What about the stigma that has lurked in the shadow of online dating since its outset? Let’s reveal some dating advice below.

Cupid's Pulse Article: Dating Advice: The Psychology of Online Dating
The Pew Research Center has conducted surveys that look at these aspects of online dating and how they’ve changed from 2005 to 2013. Back in 2005, 44% of respondents thought that “online dating is a good way to meet people.” In 2013, that number rose to 59%—a pretty positive climb.

Cupid's Pulse Article: Dating Advice: The Psychology of Online Dating
The stigma around online dating seems to also have taken a positive turn as well, as 53% of internet users agree that online dating allows people to find “better matches” because there are more options.

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Cupid's Pulse Article: Dating Advice: The Psychology of Online Dating
One thing that may always be consistent is that people tend to embellish the truth when it comes to self-describing. One study found that on average, men listed their height as being slightly taller than the national average and women listed their weight as 5 to 23 pounds less than their actual weight. And while women whose profile pictures that featured eye contact and a “flirty face” garnered more responses, men who looked away from the camera and didn’t smile received more replies.

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Cupid's Pulse Article: Dating Advice: The Psychology of Online Dating
No matter what draws someone to online dating, it seems that the popularity is increasing, with new online dating apps and websites popping up all the time. So, take our love advice. If you feel like branching out of your typical dating comfort zone, you’re not alone! Take this dating advice and take a fun photo of yourself, ponder what your “type” is, and give it a whirl!

Cupid's Pulse Article: Dating Advice: The Psychology of Online Dating
What are some other pieces of psychology behind online dating? Share your thoughts below.

A native of northern New Jersey, Jill works as a copywriter in the education industry. She has also written for the healthcare, home mortgage, and home furnishing industries.