Cupid's Pulse Article: Celebrity Exes: Jennifer Lopez Disses Ex Boyfriends, Saying She’s Not a ‘Looks Girl’Cupid's Pulse Article: Celebrity Exes: Jennifer Lopez Disses Ex Boyfriends, Saying She’s Not a ‘Looks Girl’

By Katie Gray

Jennifer Lopez is almost a queen, in the sense that her empire is made up of her successful endeavors in singing, dancing, acting, designing, and writing. That being said, she hasn’t necessarily been lucky in love. In fact, Lopez recently went on the late night talk show Watch What Happens Live  and discussed what draws her to certain men. “I would say my type of man is, I like manly. I don’t like a softer edge. I like somebody to make me laugh. But type-wise, I’m not a looks person. I don’t know if you noticed, over the years,” The Boy Next Door star, who has had her share of celebrity exes stated. It seems celebrity dating is very similar to dating for the rest of us! According to,  she added, “I go more for essence, for strength, the manliness. The fun, the laughs. Sexy’s important but I don’t feel like good looking is necessarily sexy.”

The latest celebrity news surrounding JLo points to a woman not weighing looks very heavily when it comes to relationships. What are three ways to make sure outward appearance doesn’t become the most important factor in your search for love?

Cupid’s Advice:

There’s a lot of love advice surrounding the factors to consider when you’re on the hunt for a new relationship. Cupid has some tips on how to make sure you stay on track with what’s important:

1. Laugh: A sense of humor goes a long way. When you’re searching for true love, it’s imperative that you choose someone who can make you laugh. They say that beauty fades, but really beauty is always present when you truly love someone – and it lasts forever. Find the qualities in potential partners that match your personality.

Related Link: Jennifer Lopez Reveals Ben Affleck “First Real Heartbreak”

2. Live: The experiences we have in life are what makes this journey special. Enjoy fun outings, travel and try new things with your partner. The fulfillment you’ll have from those moments, outweigh physical beauty. The memories you’ll gain from those times will last for the rest of your lives, which is special.

Related Link: Jennifer Lopez Says Marc Anthony Predicted They’d Marry When They First Met

3. Love: All you really need is love. When you genuinely love someone, inside and out, that becomes all that matters. You should absolutely be attracted to the person you are with. However; when you connect with someone on different levels they become super hot in your eyes. Love has a tendency to do that.

What are qualities you look for in the search for the love of your life? Share your stories below.