Cupid's Pulse Article: Celebrity Kids: Sean Penn Files to Adopt Charlize Theron’s SonCupid's Pulse Article: Celebrity Kids: Sean Penn Files to Adopt Charlize Theron’s Son

By Jessica DeRubbo

Being a single parent or being a kid with a single parent is never easy, and it looks like Charlize Theron’s son Jackson has just lucked out! According to, Theron’s fiance Sean Penn has filed to adopt her celebrity kid. Single celebrity men are often times viewed as having commitment issues, but it’s certainly not the case for Penn. Though the famous couple are not married yet, a source said, “There is still talk of adopting again and giving Jackson a brother or a sister.” Here’s to the happy couple and their celebrity kid!

Celebrity kids like Charlize Theron’s son Jackson no doubt want two parents, just like the rest of us. What are three ways to know your new partner is right for the job?

Cupid’s Advice:

Choosing a partner who is right for you is hard enough, but when you add in choosing a partner who is right for your kids, it makes it even more difficult. Cupid has some tips:

1. Interest is shown: If your partner never asks about your kid(s) and seems to always want to get a babysitter, these may be signs that things aren’t headed in the right direction. But if they show an active interest in hearing the latest happenings about your child(ren) and want to spend time with them to get to know them, forge ahead!

Related Link: Rumor: Are Charlize Theron and Sean Penn Engaged?

2. Values match: Everyone has different views on how to raise children, and it’s important to discuss such things with your new partner before the relationship get too serious. If you believe in spankings and your partner doesn’t, or if you want to pay for your child’s college schooling and your partner doesn’t, these are major issues that need to be resolved.

Related Link:  Celebrity Couple Predictions: Sofia Vergara, Charlize Theron and Zac Efron

3. Financial situation is good: Celebrity kids like Charlize Theron’s son Jackson probably won’t be hurting in the money department, but a lot of people need to throw financial stability into the mix even moreso when there’s a child to consider.

What are some other ways to tell if your new partner is up to raising your children? Share your thoughts below.