Cupid's Pulse Article: Relationship Advice: 5 Basic Workouts to Do With Your PartnerCupid's Pulse Article: Relationship Advice: 5 Basic Workouts to Do With Your Partner

By Courtney Omernick

You are half way through the first month of your 2015 resolution to get in shape and the gym is starting to feel routine and tiring. Don’t give up just yet. Instead, get your partner involved  in your plan by taking into consideration some of the dating and relationship advice below that can really help you build a stronger and more physically connected romance,

Below is some great relationship advice that involves getting physically fit with five basic workouts that you can do with your partner:

1. Squats in sync: Stand facing each other, while looking into each others eyes and see who can go the lowest doing a squat! Deep squats can really work your quads and glutes and staring at each other doesn’t hurt either.

Related Link: Date Idea: Workout Together

2. Lunges: Like squats, face each other and alternate forward and backward lunges. Remember to alternate legs in order to work both sides! Lunging in sync with your partner can be a lot of fun and you can challenge one another to see who can do the most.

Related Link: ‘Top Chef’ Alum Richard Blais on Healthy Holiday Cooking with Benefiber

3. The tricep dip: Make tricep dips more interesting by having the  person doing the dips puts his or her hands on his partners knees or quads. Innocent touching while working out is much better than exercising on a cold bench.

4. Bodyweight partner press: This move is a lot of fun. The key for women is to trust your man with knowing your weight  (lol) and the key for men is helping your partner benchpress yours. Be there to spot them through and never attempt this if you don’t think you can bench the weight of the other person.

5. Double tree pose:  If you are looking for relationship advice that will help you bond with your partner during a work out then the yoga is the perfect solution. And the double tree pose is the perfect move. With your hips touching each other,  try to stretch them out while working on your balance and posture. Hold this move for a few counts and then switch sides.

What are some other great workouts you can do with your partner? Comment below!