Cupid's Pulse Article: Bill Cosby’s Longtime Producers Say Sexual Assault Allegations “Beyond Our Comprehension”Cupid's Pulse Article: Bill Cosby’s Longtime Producers Say Sexual Assault Allegations “Beyond Our Comprehension”

By Katie Gray

Bill Cosby’s producers have denied the allegations that he drugged and sexually assaulted women early on in his career. These rumors surrounding Cosby have shocked the world, as he is known for being a kind and funny character on his shows. He is most well-known for his sitcom The Cosby Show. “The Bill we know was a brilliant and wonderful collaborator on a show that changed the landscape of television,” Tom Werner and Marcy Carsey said in a statement Thursday, according to People. “These recent news reports are beyond our knowledge or comprehension.”

How do you help a friend if he/she has been sexually assaulted? 

Cupid’s Advice:

Sexual assault is one of the greatest offenses one can commit, and it damages its victims both physically and psychologically. Cupid has some tips on what to do if you find out a friend has gone through it:

1. Safety: The most important thing is to make sure your friend is safe. If they aren’t, make sure you take every precaution and all of the steps needed to get them safe and secure. Encourage them to seek medical attention and counseling, with professionals who specialize in this topic.

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2. Support: The key thing in an unfortunate situation like this, is to listen to your friend and make sure that they know they are being heard. Talk them through this hard time and remind them that it wasn’t their fault. It’s also good to validate your friend’s reactions and feelings, with what they are going through. Don’t blame or judge, just support and listen.

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3. Serenity: Provide a peaceful atmosphere for your friend. Help them to feel relaxed, stable and calm. Make sure they know they are in a safe and confidential environment. Do not ask them questions that are unhelpful and don’t pry. Simply listen and be there for them, the way a friend should be. They will tell you what they are comfortable with and you have to respect that. The fact that they are opening up to you at all, shows that they trust you.

What are some ways you have helped your friend who was sexually assaulted? Share your stories below.