Cupid's Pulse Article: Brooke Burke Shares Love Life SecretsCupid's Pulse Article: Brooke Burke Shares Love Life Secrets

What’s the secret to keeping the romance alive in your relationship?  According to Brooke Burke, exercising regularly is a big part of it, reports People.  The Dancing with the Stars host told Shape magazine, “First, you need to be healthy … That means exercising to relieve stress and build energy.”  Even with four kids at home, the 39-year-old former model and her partner David Charvet, also 39, still make time for each other.  “Sometimes we’re so tired, it’s just a glass of wine and a good night’s sleep.  But the point is that we’re making a commitment to each other and saying, ‘We love the kids, but we matter too.’ “

What can staying healthy do for your love life?

Cupid’s Advice:

Staying healthy is great for your physical and emotional well-being.  Cupid has some ideas on how it can also improve your love life:

1. Self-confidence: When you eat right and work out, you feel better.  The confidence you gain from being healthy will make you even more attractive to your partner.

2. Energy: If you constantly feel exhausted, try exercising to relieve stress and get an energy boost.  Now use that extra energy to reignite the spark in your relationship!

3. Group effort: Work out with your partner, and cook healthy meals together.  Not only are you more likely to stick to a healthy lifestyle that way, but it also provides a lot of great bonding time.