By Emily Meyer
Famous couple Ashley Hebert and J.P. Rosenbaum’s celebrity love story cannot get any more perfect. Since the birth of their first celebrity baby Fordham Rhys, the pair has stayed busy balancing their new responsibilities of parenthood together. In an exclusive celebrity interview with, the former Bachelorette exclaims, “The first two weeks have been great!” The reality TV star also shares how parenthood has actually brought her and her husband closer together: “Throughout our relationship, our bond always seems to grow stronger with each milestone we reach. It’s still very early in our parenting careers, but it’s easy to see that it’ll take a lot of teamwork, support for one another, and patience when raising this child. You really need to be on the same page all the time.” It sure looks like this famous couple are on the path for a lifelong marriage and happy celebrity family.

These Bachelorette reality TV stars still have sparks flying after the birth of their celebrity baby. Here is how you can keep the romance alive right after a pregnancy!
Cupid’s Advice:
Everyone knows that life becomes even more stressful with a newborn, as you can see from this former Bachelorette. Still, those tough moments are no excuse to let the romance die between you and your partner. Cupid wants to make sure you and your significant other keep the love alive after welcoming a baby:
1. Be patient: Even though you’re probably feeling like your romance will never go back to the way it used to be, remember this is just a phase. Eventually, you’ll feel energetic again and have time for just you and your partner. For now, focus on your newborn, but make sure you also show your beau some loving.
Related Link: Mila Kunis and Ashton Kutcher Welcome a Baby Girl
2. Take time to connect each day: It doesn’t matter what you and your partner talk about, but a little chat can go a long way. Make sure you take the time to talk to them and keep the lines of communication open. This is mandatory if you want your relationship to succeed beyond this stressful stage in your lives.
Related Link: Blake Lively Proclaims Pregnancy Is What She Always Wanted
3. Schedule date nights: Plan ahead of time to go on a date with your partner and stick to it! So often, couples back out of plans because they think something more important comes up. However, it’s crucial to make your date nights a priority. This alone time will help make you better spouses and parents.
How did you keep your romance alive after your pregnancy? Tell us in the comments below.