Cupid's Pulse Article: Weekend Date Idea: World Series WeekendCupid's Pulse Article: Weekend Date Idea: World Series Weekend

By Shannon Seibert

If your honey loves baseball, celebrate the final weekend of the sport by gearing up for the game. To get in the mood and get ready for your favorite team to win, watch movies like A League of Their Own or The Bad News Bears or watch reruns of legendary games. Bonding with your partner over America’s favorite pastime is a great weekend date idea that he will appreciate. Plus, it’ll strengthen your relationship and love.

Related Link: Date Idea: Fall in Love with Falling Leaves

Hit a Home Run With a World Series Weekend Date Idea

Baseball is one of the most traditional American hobbies. Whether you’re on the field or in the stands, there is something about a white sphere with red stitching that brings people together for the love of the game. With the World Series approaching, you and your man need to get into game day mode as well. Prep yourself for this weekend date idea with recaps of recent games and make predictions on upcoming outcomes. You can even bet on how many runs each team will win by — the loser has to do the dishes tonight.

During those nine innings, things can get pretty intense, especially if you and your partner are on opposing sides. There is nothing sexier to a man than a woman who likes sports and actually knows what she is talking about. Don’t be the fool who gets excited and exclaims “the batter hit a touchdown!” Instead, if you’re unfamiliar with the rules and terms used, read up on the lingo in advance of this weekend date idea.

Men also like when their significant others share common interests with them, so consider this dating advice to make you irresistible to your partner. Once he sees you immersed into the action, he won’t be able to tear his eyes away from you long enough to even register whether that last pitch was a ball or a strike.

Related Link: Date Idea: Plan a Walk Around Town

Another fun addition to this sporty date idea is having baseball-inspired snacks to keep your stomach satisfied as you eagerly watch the championships unfold. Pinterest has oodles of ideas that your man won’t be able to resist. Also, you can go the more traditional route and snag a couple of bags of Cracker Jacks and boiled peanuts to quench your cravings. Once you and your love start munching, you’ll feel like you’re actually in the stands!

Even if it isn’t the real thing, sports movies always teach us life lessons through the love of a sport. Classics such as The Sandlot and Angels in the Outfield show you that believing in something bigger than yourself is something worth believing in. The root of this belief is love, so remind your partner of how great you are together and cuddle close as you watch these movies again.

How do you and your man spend game days? Tell us in the comments below!